    Do you think we need gun control reform ?

    Absolutely, we need to better control where they are. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. These psychos go to places where they know they wont be confronted, schools, movie theatres, until its over. The best defense is a good offense.  

    +1  Views: 540 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Yes. A good start would  be keeping automatic and semi-automatic weapons out of the hands of lay people.
    They are intented for the military, shooting many bullets in a matter of seconds._After theis horrible tragedy in Newtown, CT., Gunn sales have spiked by the tens of thousands , because people are paranoid that the government might take theire guns away.
    We need stricter gun control. Too many states are still allowing anyone to buy guns without background checks and more guns are not the answer.


    "Too many states are still allowing anyone to buy guns without background checks"

    Our gun control laws make this practice illegal. Report the ones you know about.

    A lot of people are buying guns as Christmas gifts too. Some are buying them because they no longer trust the government at either level to protect them. I'm fine with my shot gun that can hold 6 shells. I do not need another gun. My gun needs no more control. It behaves just fine on it's own.

    I guarantee within 4 hrs I could own a "street" gun if I chose to do so.  Just food for thought.


    I couldn't. Do you blend in with criminals so much that they would trust selling you one? ;)

    I don't but I could find a gun if I wanted to. I could even buy a gun with my mental health in check.......

    Well no matter what laws they pass, they will never be able to stop the illegal gun sales. We have people in our own government selling guns illegally. How do we stop that?

    We shoot those officials who are selling the guns illegally! I do not really mean that, Or we should...

    I agree that automatic weapons should not be available, and outlawed, but hunting and handguns should still be the right of those qualified to own, maybe with stiffer requirements to even get them. 

    I do not agree with reducing the ability of a law abiding citizen to own any type gun they choose. If you ban certain weapons that is just the start of banning my right to carry a gun at all. I agree on the law in our state that you can purchase a pistol but must wait to pick it up at least 24 hours. I think that should also apply to rifles and shotguns. However, this would not deter a criminal from owning any type gun. None of the horrible mass killings have been committed by a person with a license to carry a gun.


    24 hours? I had to wait 2 weeks before I could pick up my shot gun. Pistols require a permit so can take longer. Where in the USA do you only have to wait 24 hours to pick up a gun?

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