    Every year for 25 years a relative who I don’t care for sends me a Christmas card that’s brag, brag, brag, brag ...Should I bit back?

    +1  Views: 534 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    I would not waste my attention or energy on such a jerk!  Fact is, that would just play up what he is trying to do, get a reaction from you.  This would be a rush, and he would feel more smug than without your attention.  Do not reward his behavior with your response! 


    Hmmmm .... That's what you do with 3-year-olds but does it work with a Ph.D?

    Are you a psychologist? It sounds like it. He put me down so bad in that Christmas letter that I am now thinking that he would be pleased to get a response where I attempted to put him down. He sure did it for some reason.
    He not only put me down ... He took my kids and grandkids down too. Oh what a jerk. OMG GROWL. I don't think I will speak with him anymore ... not ever. I am done. DONE. DONE DONE DONE
    : )
    Uh, thanks bustione.

    No professional training, in fact I have not had psychology courses at all. I have learned from some workshops over the years concerning educational psychology issues, and how to handle them in the school. But thanks for your vote!

    It's only once a year. You don't even have to read or respond to the card. This is their chance to "feel on top", let them. It doesn't hurt a thing. You don't know what really goes on behind closed doors.....


    julie ... but he really is on top! That's what so dang frustrating.

    If you don't care for them, don't bother with them. Do you see them at all, or just when you have to, I would stay away from them they will get the message eventually.


    I’m thinking about that one sunnyB.

    Itsmee-  I have been really tempted to send a card back to such braggers:

    Dear Your life is Perfect,

    I would have sent this card to you sooner but I was locked up for the better part of the year.  When I got out I realised the bank had foreclosed on my home and that my meager belongings had been sold too.  Thank God you put the return of address on your card- it arrived today to the half-way house where I am staying.

    (and then I would continue on making bad stuff up about the family).

    Now I know people think Christmas is the time to tell all of the good stuff from the past year but the braggart letters are way too much!


    Funny but why bother? He won't get it! People like that do not have empathy for others. He would just see bla-bla-bla, and not pay attention to care/see if you are o.k.

    I do so love your response. I want to write it. I do want to. Probably won't. Made me feel good to see it in print!

    I've never sent one...but I write one in my head each year :)

    What is bit back?


    that was a typo. I’ll say it another way. Their Christmas letters make me feel less than, I wonder should I give them a taste of their own medicine.
    There are other people in my family who feel the same as me ... We could go in with a group letter.

    Nope ... I don’t think so. Any ideas now?

    Just ignore it Itsmee. Rise above it. Don't respond & if he questions your non response tell him you never got his letter.That will frustrate him more than anything.I think we probably all have one of these in our family.I know I do & I don't take the bait. Have a nice Christmas Itsmee. :)


    LOL ... If he ever gets the chance to mention it to me, I'll say "I thought I saw it on the round table ... but somehow I must have tossed it in the trash."
    You too have a good Christmas.

    itsmee- so, in this case the trash would be the "circular file" LOL

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