    What is it that men look for in a Woman, when there ready to settle down?

    And when  they say let's take thing's slow till we see if we want to commit to each other and make sure we like each other till we become a couple, how slow is to slow? Till you know he isn't in to you.


    +1  Views: 690 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    Stability, spelling, intelligent, humor, etc......


    Well that "Rules me out ( weep )

    Spelling....LOL! You've spent too much time here on akaQA.

    "OH is that what is was Tank you Tank you.

    Though I try to ignore it, they just get to me sometimes......

    If he hasn't asked you to marry him within 10 years or so, he's probably not really into you.


    wise man Hee

    Dunno! But I do know the moment I first clapped eyes on my wife I was a gonner.Of course the little black skirt had a lot to do with it I'm sure.

    Is he your best friend?  Can you tell him everything?  Do you think he tells you everything?  Do you laugh at the same things? How about $- this is a biggie!?  and kids? Not just having them but how to raise them? and if one of you gets very sick or hurt?  Listen, marriage is a two way street.  Be smart and take the time to REALLY get to know him...after all it's your marriage/life too.  Divorce is sad and VERY ugly most of the time it's better to do all of the thinking and discovering before you marry.  TRUST ME on this!!!

    Until your "PENSIONERS !! Is that "slow .

    men look for honesty-loyalty which brings trust, trust is the main issue- men have a hard time trusting, which I think has alot to do with (like when I was younger) cheating, I was a really bad cheater,and it made me not trust females,or anybody .. and now that I am older and done with all that it is hard to adjust  give it time,if he isn't ready then he's not the right man for you.. when you find the right man you' WILL KNOW'

    It varies with the man. But, if he hasn't shown any signs of maybe having a future with you after 6 months, then dump him.   But, when a man wants to settle down, he looks for a woman with whom he can have sex, love, companionship, and who will make a good mother ( if he wants kids )  Being a good cook doesn't hurt either. Of course, being attractive to him is what initially draws him keep yourself looking nice. And nowdays, men consider a woman's job.....what she much it pays, what benefits there are.

    I didn't want much. Just somebody who cooked like my mother, cleaned like my mother, sewed like my mother, looked like my mother.....I finally found her. What happened? I brought her home. My father HATED her!  ""

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