Very embarrassing situation.We just attended our grand daughter Christmas dancing concert on the weekend.
At the beginning of the show they put up slides of all the little kids on a screen & accompanied it wit Joshua kadisons Beautiful in my eyes.
For some inexplicable reason I burst into tears at the sight of our baby's picture up there.
I'm a big tough Aussie bloke & I can't explain it.
16 Answers
I think most of us soften, but some of us become more callous with time. As for me, I noticed I become drier with age, Tommyh, LOL.
12 years ago. Rating: 18 | |
I notice that men definitely get more tender-hearted,
especially where their grandchildren are concerned.
They often didn't have the time, when their own kids
were growing up, to appreciate these little things,
due to work, etc but now see everything with new
eyes as the next generation comes along. :)
12 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
No question about it. I've become a real sap whenever my kids (young adults) experience trying or joyous experiences. Movies that strike the right chord also beat me up.
I blame it on the meds. Yeah...that's it...the meds.
12 years ago. Rating: 17 | |

Yes, I believe we get more sensitive, especially with family. Family love, family pride and knowing that you helped create it all, right into future generations can be very emotional and so heart filling that it overflows out of you in the form of happy tears. I think it's sweet that a tough Aussie bloke can be made so sensitive over family. :)
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |

Whatever/Wherever ..this crazy place beats Twitter Any day!:-))

Same story, different season. I did like the 'Skins once but that was years ago. They've been having a tough go of it for a long time now. The owner needs to start spending some money.

Our bones certainly get softer as we age, hence osteoporosis and fractures.
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
I therefore declare nomdeplume innocent of any alleged violation.

You reminded me of my father as I read this big tough bloke crying.. It's a good thing that your now a bit soft lol ... Just don't let your mates know they will pull the ____... No all Aussie men tend t get softer with age, we live in a hard country environmentally wise the heat is enough to melt anyone's brain into submission.. My father blamed acid rain for making him bald " before I come to Australia I had a full head of hair, dam acid rain"... Blame the acid rain :)
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |