14 Answers
I think theire wedding was a real modern-day fairytale, Everything was perfect. Even the weather was beautiful.
Kate looked stunning and happy. However I agree with Dianas
Astrologer. Kate is wearing Dianas Ring. The Ring represents
unhappiness and the death of Diana. Very scary!
Kate looked stunning and happy. However I agree with Dianas
Astrologer. Kate is wearing Dianas Ring. The Ring represents
unhappiness and the death of Diana. Very scary!
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
LMAO bulletman, i didn't mean it in a bad way, i'm just curious over if astrology sayings are true or not, and this is a solid evidence of someone who got paid for his absurd job of telling future events, especially now that it's a royal wedding, i'm watching it live to see how stupid that astrologer really is and how stupid people are to even consult them :), no need to vote me down before not understandin what i'm saying first :(
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
the only reason i'm watching is because the astrologer said something bad is going to happen on the day of the wedding, so i'm watching, wondering if the astrologer was talking real or just rubbish to get money.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
lol, not my astrologer, it was on the news yesterday , some royal astrologer in the palace
Do they get to kiss each other?
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
They did get to kiss - can't tell you how many times this was asked for.And you are right double helix - astrology has a lot to do with it - their relationship is of parent and child not romantic but these relationships do survive but I hope not the bad predictions - although I feel she is a bit of a gold digger. The lovely bit was when the Pope visited Scotland - the hymms everything were amazing. Clearly though you had all seen enough...
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