    what is the most actif volcano?

    0  Views: 499 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Kilauea volcano on Hawaii is the world's most active volcano, followed by Etna in Italy and Piton de la Fournaise on La Réunion island.
    After that, it is difficult to decide the exact order on the list, but the following are very close: Stromboli, Merapi, Erta Ale, Ol Doinyo Lengai, Unzen, Yasur, Ambrym, Arenal, Pacaya, Klyuchevsky, Sheveluch, and Erebus.


    In days of yore do you think Mt Vesuvious made the list??? (sorry if I misspelled that)

    I think the people of Pompei would agree with you (if they were still around):=(

    Just on a rather morbid note- I do think it is kind of cool how the lava encrusted their bodies so you could see that they were curled up sleeping. (It must not have made a lot of noise)

    Mount Etna is one of the worlds most active volcanoes, it has been erupting for over 2000 years. Over these years it has been given a multitude of names including the Mountain Of Fire or the Home of the Cyclops. This volcano has put there fear in men down through the ages. It is located in Sicily in Italy and is the largest mountain in Italy. Underneath the surface of this mountain, there is the middle of the Earth just bursting to get out. On the surface there are cracks and vent holes and caves to release pressure. But what struck the fear in the men down through the ages is that when it does erupt it could blow a hole anywhere in the mountain, putting settlers at risk.

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    Mt Etna has killed thousands of people down through the years because of its instability. Its volcanic soil is rich in minerals that lined the mountainsides, this made great agricultural grounds for wine and olives. It also has a forest that runs down the side of its slopes, which is filled with wildlife such as Foxes, Squirrels, Porcupine, Hedgehogs, Turtles, Owls, Frogs, Toads, Snakes, Falcons, Lizards, Weasels and some Wild Cats. Through the ages this area was highly populated because of its Earthly Goodness. What people thought through the years was that the volcano is up there and it is erupting, so we are safe here. Most of the time they were right but some of the time they were not so lucky.

    Mount Etna stands 3350 meters high on average, after every eruption it may differ slightly. It is the largest active volcano in all of Europe having a diameter of 1,190 km2. Mount Etna started off as an under water volcano off the coast of Sicily over a half a million years ago. As it erupted and cooled down fast by the sea it started to grow in height, forming the strength for a base of an Island. Over the millions of years it joined up with the main land and continued to grow. It has collapsed on numerous occasions causing huge landslides that can cause devastating tsunami’s. You can see such evidence of these collapses on Mt Etna’s hillsides today.

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    It's not the MOST active volcano, Etna is One of the most active.

    Shoot me, I couldn't find the list.....

    I'll send the gun, shoot yourself, I don't like prison food.

    You can't mail a gun.....

    Bit by bit, it'll get there.


    I'm willing to spend if it helps.

    I'm bi-polar, I can take care of it myself.....

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