    can dogs get diabetes

    I have a date palm tree in my backyard, and my dogs have been eating a LOT of dates that fall off the tree.  My lab has started drinking about a gallon of water a day, and urinating more frequently.  Those are some of the symptoms for humans with type ll diabetes.

    0  Views: 1159 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Yes, dogs do get diabetes and they need to be on medication just as people do.

    Read here>>>

    I've known dogs that had to be injected with insulin. Cats, too.....

    yes they may and can get diabeeties or how the hell you spell it

    My dog got diabetes at about age 6 and had to have shots 2x a day for the rest of her life!

    We had a Lab that had diabetes, we took care of him with 2 shots a day, he became blind, but so lovable, he got really sick at age 10 and we had to let him go. Saddest day of our lives.


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