    How do bottle cappers work with cap locks

    0  Views: 747 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    A  bottle caper is a device that when you install a bottle cap in it and push the lever down it puts the cap on the bottle with enough pressure to seal the bottle and at the same time it crimps the cap around the bottle neck or top. As there are not many bottles around with caps Except beer there isn't much call for a bottle capper. I use to make my own root beer and I would get some used beer bottles and sterilize them and put the pop in them and then put the caps on them.  Good luck.

    Or you can use the beer bottles like Grolsch, these are like "mason jar" covers in that they have a rubber seal, and a wire bail.  The bail pushes pressure on the porcelain cap and seals the gasket.  They are ideal for making beer.  I have used the conventional bottles with the capper and caps as discussed above.  Once in a while a bottle explodes its cap, and makes a mess.  Never have I had this happen with the Grolsch-type caps.  These are rarer than hens teeth, so if you get them, hold on to them. 

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