    how can i calculate my age?

    0  Views: 335 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Take today's date, and from that, subtract your date of birth. You can find how many days there are between 2 dates; I've seen a table in almanacs, and there might be websites showing tables as well. If for, example, there are 3,650 days between these 2 dates, divide by 365 because there are 365 days in a year (except for leap years, which have 366); you're 10. If you're lucky enough to have been born on February 29, 1912, you might be considered to be 100, but you're only 25 years old, because your birthday comes once every 4 years. Just kidding, but it's a great excuse for cheap relatives for saving on gifts!

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