    I have a Briggs 14hp Vanguard single cylinder that my mother-in-law put to much oil in and now it smokes when running. I drained and refilled the oil to the proper level but even after running a while it still smokes. Now I can smell gas on the dip..."

    Took care of the gas smell problem but original problem below still is a problem:

    I have a Briggs 14hp Vanguard single cylinder that my mother-in-law put to much oil in and now it smokes when running. I drained and refilled the oil to the proper level but even after running a while it still smokes.

    0  Views: 424 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    The only way you would possibly smell gas in the crankcase oil, would be if the carbuerator float is sticking and it is flowing through the throat when it is shut down. Change the oil, and make sure you shut the fuel supply valve off each time you are done using it. You could also run a couple of tanks full of fuel with cleaner in it.

    It is not all that uncommon an occurence for a bowl float to load up a crankcase. That is why they have those shut-offs...the system has its flaws.


    Thank you for the info but the gas smell is a new problem the smoking problem started when it was overfilled by almost a quart of oil. Any ideas on that? I will definately put a fuel shut off valve on it.

    You know what is funny. Many years ago my wife filled her lawnmower with oil like that. It took awhile for it to burn off, after we drained it down.
    Evidently she didn't want it to run out, so she stood the mower on its side and filled it to the top.

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