    I have a huge problem, when is it ok for a 34 year old man and a 15 year old girl to hang out together? I say never but get accused of being jealous by them both

    +4  Views: 877 Answers: 12 Posted: 11 years ago

    12 Answers

    Jealous???? Stop worrying about what they think of you.  Young girls are impressionable and can be coaxed by love, affection, etc. into doing "things' sexually.  He is a predator.  She will not see or understand this- but that makes no difference.  I think consulting the police is a good option.

    Unless you are her father or a relative or you are  part of the big brother program and have had your background checked, it's not OK. Find people your own age or at least over the age of 18 to hang out with. No 15 year old girl needs to be hanging out with a 34 yr old man. All you have to do is hug her and she can turn and have you arrested for inappropriate touching of a minor. Get away from her. The law will believe a minor over a 34 yr old man who should know better. She can ruin your life by simply claiming you did things to her. 

    Update, I misunderstood your question. You are talking about him. OK, take what I said and tell him that. If the girl is your daughter, lock her in her room and throw away the key until she's 18. NO! She can NOT hangout with a 34 year old man!

    I hung around with older men when I was her age. Boy! Was I ever naive.... I can see both sides and I'm on yours.......


    jh,why did your mom and dad let you hang around with older men ?

    They didn't know plus, I have older sister's who had friends and they didn't care.....

    The 15 year old girl needs some strict discipline and the 34 year old male predator needs to get away from the little kid, right now.  I would not only state that to both of them, I would file a report with your local police department.  This is a very perverted situation and has absolutely nothing to do with jealousy and everything to do with protecting a minor female child! 


    Perfectly said.

    You are right. This is trouble in the making.

    Ditto to Colleen's comment in Jacks answer.THIS GUY IS NOT YOUR FRIEND! Step into him Big Time & get this predator away from your kids. Trust me,he has no honourable intentions & he will damage your daughter if you let it continue.

    Tell the guy that despite the fact that you

    are friends, that you WILL call the police

    if all contact doesn't end immediately.

    Sorry to say it but your daughter sounds

    out of control and even if the guy has 

    innocent intentions, this is definitely a

    powder keg just waiting to blow sky-high!


    I agree with Dar.

    I agree with Dardaigh too.

    it's NEVER ok for a 34 yr . old man to hang out with a 15 yr. old girl, b/c it's going to lead to trouble.

    Hm...I would say, there is no legitimate reason for a 34 year old man to be just hanging out with your 15 year old daughter. If this guy is purposely go out of his way in wanting to hang out with her, I think I would be talking to the police, and have them inquire as to why he is wanting to hang out with a child. No matter what he or she has to say about it...nothing changes the fact that she is still a child, and needs protection against things like that.

    Your comment about him being a neighbor and "friend" makes the situation even more difficult for you. If you cant' monitor her activities 24/7 and the "friend" keeps answering the door, it is a serious issue.  
    I'm on YOUR side of this. At 15, she should be doing her homework and hanging around with friends her own age (a whole different set of problems, of course, but still....)
    I wish you the very best in a very difficult situation. As far as "jealous", let them both know, at the same time,  in a very matter-of-fact and CALM tone, that "jealous" isn't the issue.   Child molestation is the issue.  You might then, in the same calm manner, let them both know that the next time she knocks on that door and he lets her in, the police will be the next ones knocking on that door. 

    Follow through.

    15 "might get you 15!"  ""




    Yes really, I know its an incredibly stupid question but everyone in my small neighborhood thinks I am making a bigger issue than it is. I have asked him repeatedly not to let her in and told him about the legal part of it and even though I know there isnt anything going on, I still do not like it. She lies to me and sneaks over there and when i find out and demand she come home is when the jealousy accusations start. Short of actually calling the cops myself which I am reluctant to do since this man is a friend of mine and it is my daughter that is the one going over there behind my back.

    This man is not your friend if he is disrespecting you and your wishes that your daughter does not spend alone time with him. Call the police. Neither he nor your daughter can be trusted.

    Try grounding her b/c she broke your rules of going over there. But then you'll have to be home when she's home,or she'll sneak out.

    The people in your neighbourhood need a reality check. She probably has a crush on him and he is flattered by the attention and it's only a matter of time before things progress....

    Is this man a relative? 

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