    How do i forget about someone?

    I have an ex friend who harasses me, and won't leave me alone. I'm trying to forget about him, but I can't. His name is Jadon.

    0  Views: 661 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Its time to tell Jadon that you need to be left alone.  Then don't respond to his phone calls/txts and don't answer the door if he stops by.


    Thanks man, you just cheered me up. I hope this will help!

    Start something new....not a new friend... a hobby, or start reading a book about something that interests you, or do some volunteer work or start an exercise routine, etc.  By doing these things, you will also meet new people and have a more interesting life.  Memories of Jadon will soon disappear.

    Find some one new to think about.


    Thanks, I'll try.

    TIME heals all wounds.  It's possible you'll always remember Jadon, even fleetingly when you hear a song or pass a place you two used to hang out, etc.  It's getting over the anger and hurt you want more.  Time WILL take care of that.  

    Look forward. You might miss something really wonderful if you don't.

    @Bob/PKB is right. Time heals all.  There will come a day when you have to TRY to remember Jadon. It just won't happen tomorrow......

    do something you like for a while and then move on with your life coz only time will heal the pain and heartache

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