    Convert RAR File (.rar)

    0  Views: 668 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Download is here

    You need a program to unzip the file. Try looking for winzip, jzip, etc.

    Hope this helps,



    Hi, we give an actual link whenever possible.

    Didn't have one. Especially with pc users these days, they may decide to use a torrent app to get the program. Also, I don't like I give a few options and let them download it as they see fit, but thank you for your advise.

    MB, the way this site works is we try to keep in mind that if the person has to ask, then they do not know how to search information on their own. You tell them they need a program but do not provide a link to the program. This does not help and in the end typically just frustrates the person asking the question. I appreciate your willingness to answer questions here but if you could help by providing links to the information people need that would be a bonus to the help you're already giving. Most of the sites and programs we link to are free so advertising is not much of a concern. Microsoft is a good place to direct people to.

    Good point on the not telling people to look for certain programs without providing some search engines they could use to search with; however, like I said, I won't link a specific one. People will choose the one they like and hopefully continue to use it. I am not giving a man a fish to eat for a day, I am teaching him to fish so he can continue to eat, even if his food is zipped up in a rar. Winzip is now a pay-only program, so it would be advertising, and as for non-pay progs, I will not endorse them either because some work for some people and not for others. If you don't like my answers, I understand. Feel free to put yours, but also understand that I answer questions like this for a living and have to spoon feed employees rather than teach them how to do something so they don't have to contact me again. I do this as a favor to people who might not otherwise learn anything as opposed to doing it for them which, I believe, would hinder them in the future. I am sorry if I don't fit into you're "we", but I have yet to see the rules on this specific site.

    We are not a teaching site. If you chose not to provide a helpful link, please do not answer the question first. Let another member answer it and provide them with the information they need. This is the way it's been done for a year and a half here. It's the way the owners and administrators do it. This way will not change because you want to be a teacher. As for rules, that's what the moderators are for. We will let you know what the rules are. It's that simple.

    I am a teacher. For those who don't want to learn, I do IT, etc... I work all day with people who make it very clear they don't want to learn. I come on here and give the knowledge I got. If you want to post a link, I have no problem with that. I will give web sites and my opinion if asked, but I will not endorse a specific site by linking them, and if I linked every site that was suggested (since I give several options at the questioner's discretion) my answer would be filled with links. So if you are saying I don't belong here, answering questions and giving experience that I found helpful when I had serious questions because I don't link/endorse any web site, program, or search engine...then don't look at my responses, or put your own with endorsements. This is a Q and A site (that I don't work for), so I give the answer I think is best suited for the question. Don't lecture me because you don't like it or it isn't in a format that you as an individual see to be fitting. In closing I will say that I like the site, the layout, and the general idea. I also understand that it's your job to tell me to be a human google, bing, or yahoo and I respect that, but I am not defiant for the sake of defiance. I just march to the beat of a different drum than you do (so to speak). Thanks.


    Unless you are an admin or owner, this is not up for debate. Telling people to use Google or just mentioning a program (which by the way is endorsing it) is not enough. Please leave those types of questions alone. Any answers that are deemed non helpful will be removed. As a moderator of the forum, I look at every answer. I have to, it's my job. We run things differently here than you do at your job and trust me, you are not the first to come and try to change how this forum operates.

    I'm not trying to change anything. As an open forum, I think it's a bit strange to remove posts that are not threatening or abusive in some way. I am not telling anyone else how to answer questions, just answering the best I can without saying an opinion like "the best search engine is..." or "[blank program] is bad. I have a lot of opinions, but you know what they say about those.I do mention progs and sites, but I give several to choose from, many of which I don't really care for. I came here to help...have helped...and that's a pretty good feeling, and all without any links or endorsements. I feel I have been very cordial as far as this situation goes. No debate necessary...I am not telling people to do anything, just offering suggestions.

    The owners of the forum have asked that the answers given not be "Google it or use your search engine". When people ask a question they want an answer, not an opinion. Direct them to a program that gives them what they need via a link or do not bother answering the question. This discussion is done. As a moderator of akaQA I am here to enforce the rules of the owner's of the site. I will do just that whether you agree or not. It's my job.

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