    How to get my Outlook Express Addressbook on Picassa3 when sending pictures by email?

    my email address:

    0  Views: 440 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Set default email

    When you click the Email button in Picasa, it's possible to control the email program that's launched. To modify your email preference settings in Picasa, please follow these steps:

    Click Tools > Options (Windows) or Picasa > Preferences (Mac).
    Select the Email tab.
    Choose your preferred option under 'Email Program.' You have three choices:
    Let me choose each time I send pictures: Each time you email photos, you'll be prompted to choose between using Google Mail or the default email client.
    Use my Google Account: Each time you email photos, you'll be prompted to sign in to your Google Account. You can use either your Gmail or Google Account email address. Learn more about how to email photos.
    Use default email client: When emailing photos, the default email program for your computer will be automatically used. Learn how to set your default email program.
    Click OK to save your changes.

    Get address book with the help of express address book repair

    Item can help you with address books

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