    what did mary queen of scots do to elizabeth?

    0  Views: 648 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Nothing. It was the people around her who wanted to remove Elizabeth from the throne and place Mary on it. This made Mary a threat to Elizabeth's throne. Because of this, Elizabeth was convinced by her cabinet to kill Mary and remove the threat. Something that Elizabeth fought against but in the end succumb to and Mary was executed. 


    thanks colleen is it alright if i ask one more question?...

    Sure, ask it here.

    Thanks, right ... could you give me another problem from queen elizabeth and how she solved the problem?xxx

    Another major problem that she faced when she took the throne was religion. Her sister Mary had made the religion of England, Catholic and many protestants were killed during her reign when they refused to convert to the Catholic religion. Elizabeth herself had faced death because she was Protestant. She however was not so devout to her religion and she was able to fool her sister into believing she had converted when if fact she really hadn't. When Elizabeth became Queen she declared protestant as the official religion but did not demand that her people convert if they were Catholic. This settled the fighting and killing for the people but there was the problem of Spain and France. Both wanted to take over England and make it Catholic. Prince Philip II of Spain wanted to marry Elizabeth and rule as king so he could turn England back to the Catholic faith. Elizabeth who considered herself Prince of England would have none of that as she did not want to share her throne, her country and her people with anyone. She was very diplomatic about it and did her utmost best to not offend Philip by refusing his offer of marriage. They remained uneasy allies for a time until Philip decided to end the charade and attack England (the fact that Elizabeth had been allowing her ships to attack Spanish ships for their treasures gave Philip the catalyst that he needed to attack England). That is when he sent the Armada. The Armada arrived and beacons were lit alerting all that the Spaniards where there. Elizabeth had spent a fortune making sure her country was ready for the invasion and ready they were. The fighting began, Elizabeth chose not to hide in the palace away from the fighting but instead went to the shores where she sat on horseback in body armor looking very much like a warrior queen and gave one of the best speeches of her life to her soldiers. She rallied the troops with strong words and strong emotions, showering her love apon them all, this fueled their allegiance to her and every last man again pledged his life for his queen. Through good planning and money well spent and having the loyalty of her people, the Armada was soundly defeated that day and England would never again face such a threat from Philip of Spain.

    OMG!! thats such a big help thank you so much xxxx colleen you fab !

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