    Who is Glad that OBAMA is the president again?

    +1  Views: 1115 Answers: 13 Posted: 11 years ago

    I don't know if I'm glad or not-I just wondered, if obamacare is so great, why aren't all of or senators, congressmen and rep. on this same plan and Obama hinself.

    13 Answers

    Only the Democrats are. They want to keep theire hands in the Cookie Jar where all the money is,


    The cookie jar has a few crumbs, I'll concede to that.

    Not me, count me out of that list! 

    The poor who are dependent on government hand outs, welfare recipients who have made welfare their way of life because they do not want to work, the minorities who still believe he will give them free stuff, the Hollywood celebrities who believe he's not going to tax them, gays who think he can pass a law allowing all gays to marry (he can't) people who believe in socialism and not democracy, the people who voted for him because they like they way he speaks, die hard democrats and those who think he can fix what he couldn't figure out how to fix during his first 4 years. Oh and those who listened to far left media who told them to vote for him. Lastly, let's not forget the illegal immigrants who he promised amnesty to just to get their votes even though their votes are not legal. No one in Obama's camp seems to care about legal though. 

    I am not happy that I have another 4 years of watching him destroy the American way and spit on the US Constitution while he raises taxes on everyone including those who are just barely making it now along with his forced false healthcare (tax bill) that very few will be able to afford. 

    Funny how you don't see anyone specifically saying "I am glad"....and you won't hear it from me, either. 

    Not me for sure-- I fear where my beloved USA is heading.  Obama IMO was elected by people wanting 'stuff' handouts, special privledges..  Where the people that don't pay taxes complain about those that do pay are not paying enough.  There's so much mis-information directed at people that hear what they want to hear, conditioned and endoctrinated by false agendas purposly put out by the media, most all media is liberal excluding the one only Fox that is constantly badgered because they disclose many of the untruths, they are hated by all liberals as being the liars but in reality, they are not afraid of exposing liberal/media focuses.  So many people voted for Obama because it was the 'cool vote' kids in school are ridiculed if they say they are conservatives and in many cases beat up.  Of course these kids have no idea of the issues, only the titles of the issues.  Unfortunately, grown adults are the same, when I speak to a liberal about an issue, they know of the issue by name and can parrot what their friends said or the liberal media but when getting to the core of it, they have no idea and resort to name calling and of course... Blaming George Bush..  Obama is their coming of the lord and he can do no wrong even though there's so much failure in his policies, they still claim its george's fault.

    I To Quote Yamamoto--"I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant."

    I quote this because many liberals believe this is the death of the republican/conservative party-- This is not true, what this did was give them the wakeup call they needed to save this country. this I believe and no aka liberal will be able to sway me.. We have our own flavor of Kool-Aid..


    The MSNBC clowns who consider themselves journalists.


    The worst News Channel in the US.

    Glad? who's glad?  Why, the people who voted for him of course.........

    What my grandson was taught in school was that if you never voted for Obama you were raciest....


    He's 1/2 white. Who is the racist if the white side does not get acknowledged? Someone needs to ask the school that.
    Headless Man

    I did point that out, but they are brain washing our kids......

    Speaking from Europe, I believe that most of us here are pleased Obama was elected. The Republicans with their anti-science stance, climate change denial, and religiosity makes us fear for the future of the world.

    A tax -funded, free at the point of delivery health-care system is one things we would never give up.


    "A tax -funded, free at the point of delivery health-care system is one things we would never give up."

    Nor would we if we had one.

    Our healthcare in the USA is second to none.. We have the best care in the world. Republicans do not have an 'anti-science stance' there are a few 'obstacles' that have already been overcome.

    'Global Warming you are correct is an ALGore moneycow. it amazes me that with this planet being here 4.5 billion years and we have only been here a bit over a million that you would think we can even come close to destroying what took billions of years to build.. believe me, we are but a pimple on the butt of Mother nature. She has a way of taking care of herself, all you are doing is stuffing the pockets of all the instigators of this farce. In fact, there will of course be climate change, this is the natural cycle of the planet, AlGore just found a way to make a fortune on it. And don't worry about the republicans and their religious beliefs, you better worry about the religious radicals that want you and me dead.. No republican wants you dead. You're over there, we're over here.. You have your ways, we have done it our way for over 200 years and it must work well because people from all over the world want to settle here.. Now they want to make it like Europe?? I don't think so, I was born here and i want my USA back! Thank you! :) <----Smile

    Nom. Healthcare in Europe is entirely different from Obamacare.You have a percentage that you pay out of your earnings, depending on income. We have to go through insurance companies, that are constantly raising the rates of insurance and it does not go by income. It is unaffordable for many people.

    Americans were promised universal health care in FDR's Bill of Rights in 1944. Many defeated nations in Europe got these rights but not the USA. Go see the movie by Michael Moore 'Capitalism a Love Story'.

    Do not be fooled by the name. We still do not have healthcare. It will be defeated. All it takes is for all states to say no to it.

    A movie? Movies are for entertainment purposes. As far as I'm concerned, there is ONE "Bill of Rights", and that's the one from the 1700's, not some welfare scam created by a democrat.

    Does anyone even listen to Michael Moore?

    Nom. Yes Healthcare was promised by FDR,> He unfortunately died before it could be implemented. Harry Truman Never bothered to resurrect it.It would have been the perfect time, before all these Insurance Companies became for profit Companies.

    OMG!! nom--- Are you kidding me??? Michael Moore?? Certainly you must understand that Michael Moore who just happens to be a multi-millionaire and makes movies against his own kind is hilarious-- If you didn't notice, the first Obama election in 2008 Michael Moore was silenced by the democrats mainly because they blame him partially for kerry losing to Bush-- Even democrats changed sides as his documentaries we comically false. He was quiet in this election as well. He is a propagandist -- Also, here in the USA, we have universal health care, we do not let our weak-poor and sick die on the streets. The poor and the needy get as good of health care as anyone but they must be in position of 'needy'. We don't let people die and rot on the streets as some progressives would make you believe. We even help those that are illegal here if medical service is needed- They use urgent care as a family doctor, where I pay for medical service they get same if not better for free! It's always been this way. Unfortunately, many medical facilities are now closed because they couldn't keep up with the demand for free service, this is where Obamacare steps in and my higher taxes. What this all points to is border control, illegals and misuse of the system.

    Vinny, I agree with you on Michael Moore. But where in the world did we ever have Universal Healthcare? Europe has it since the 1883 and Canada has Universal Healthcare. We always had a single payer healthcare system and we now have Obamacare and we dont have anything to be proud of. And by the way, we have the most expensive healthcare in the world..Friends?

    When the alternative (at the end of the race, anyway) was a multi-millionaire Mormon, who has NO concept of what those people that are doing it tough are going through, wouldn't know hunger, unemployment or poverty if it slapped him in the face, doesn't believe in his own legislation (think health), and supports lower taxes for high income earners, then I think that Obama is far and away the better option.


    Oh, I thought you were talking of Obama through all that. You do know he is rich and never worked until he graduated college that someone other than he paid for. He spent a few years working with the poor, doing what exactly? I think we may never know. 2 years in public office where he again did nothing. Didn't show up for most anything he was suppose to show up for then ran for president. Today he is a multi-millionaire. What does he know about the working class people or the poor? He was never one of them but he sure knows how to make people poor. You can thank Obama in a year or two when you find yourself broke because he took all your money for taxes. His new name will be Barry, Sheriff of Nottingham.

    You really think Obama has a better handle on those things Really?

    Srunchy, that multimillionaire had nothing when he started out. He made his money the honest way and gives 30% of his income to charity, compared to Obama who is also a millionaire. He gives 5% to Charity.No doubt, Romney knows more about poverty than Obama ever did.Just think how many more people are living in poverty or have no job under Obamas Administration and it will get much worst in his second term.Brace yourself for a ver bumpy ride.

    So you think Obama is not wealthy? You immediately bring in 'mormon' as if this is a bad thing?? Would it be better if he was a Muslim?? You think it is better to give these poor out of work people a crust of bread rather than push them to gain pride in themselves and buy a steak? Why would anyone want a job if they can live their lowly life on my hard work? They are happy living like that, eventually Obama will succeed in creating more and more 'out of work'. mooching on those that do work. This is not what the USA was built on, Obama is making that American Dream out of reach and a nightmare for those that really are doing their part. i say wait until many of these obama voters that are young and voting on peer conditioning begin raising a family and finding out how much of their hard work is going to others that do not work-- I do believe they will reconsider their position. Starting in January, The average american will see a 2.5~3k increase in their taxes. Lets wait to see how this pans out.

    Michelle, for one.

    How about Alex,Jones next time,??


    If Alex runs, I'll see what he has to say.

    He was on tv the other night Colleen,

    I'll check him out if he runs.

    Certainly, not me.  I voted against him, but I only had one vote.  I wanted to cry when he was re-elected.  He is taking our country down, bit by bit.  If he wants to stop some spending, look into welfare, wick, and food stamps.  I, constantly, see people in line at the grocery store with 4 or 5 kids using their food stamps, etc. and then getting into their new truck or car in the parking lot.  These cards sould not be used for chewing gum, candy, and other things that are not needed.

    I worked two jobs a while ago and there was a girl working there who had an illegal boyfriend.  I told the local police about him and they did nothing.  Next thing I know, she is pregnant by him and using a Wick card and food stamps.  This is just one example.  So much of this is going on and the taxpayers are paying for it.  Why isn't the government doing anything about this???  I am sick of paying for someone else to live a better life than I have.  They buy steaks and whatever else they want and I am working two jobs just to make ends meet.  I have never gotten any money from the government.  I worked for everything I have, which is not that much.  When are we going to stop this kind of abuse?  I knew another girl a few years ago that worked in a grocery store.  (I was working two jobs then, too).  She said she was living with a boyfriend and they both got subsidies from the government because they were not married.  She bragged about it.  Wouldn't it be cheaper to hire some folks to look into these things and stop some of it?  I am just so frustrated about all of it, but nothing ever gets done.

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