    my nieghbor has 2005 dodge stratus it ran out of water but did not overheat defrost came out cold so i asked someone said it was the thermostat made sense chaned it let car idle for half hour no leak he took car around the block let car idle then water starting gushing out i was told water pump mechanic is saying the could have a small warp but there is no water in the oil mynieghbors r an older couple with little money can anyone help dont want them to get robbed??

    saying the head is warped???

    0  Views: 709 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Live in the Desert where it gets 120 degrees in the summer. So I have always just gutted my thermostats ( take the plunger out) and then place the skeleton of the thermostat back in with a new gasket to keep it from leaking ,and the water flows freely . This kind of  sucks during the winter because it takes a longer for the heater to get warm.  BUT this keeps your motor cool.

    If that doesnt work , see if there is pressure built up in the hoses while its that hot. You might also want  to flush your radiator out. see if there's something blocking the flow.


    Good answer.

    Where the heck have you been? We've had a ton of mechanic questions. We need you here fixing cars, stop disappearing! LOL

    Oh yeah and thats very nice of you to help them.

    hey thanks but are you saying there is no warp in the head?

    There is a chance that the head is warped.Try some "BARRS LEAKS" or a similar additive in your radiator.If the warp isn't too bad it will seal it for a while.

    I doubt its warped . you would have bigger problems . You can check the water pump by starting the car and looking into the radiator by taking the radiator cap off and looking in there to see if the water is circulating.There should be a a pretty fast flow of circulating water right away. If the water isn't moving start there. flush the radiator and check all the hoses for some sort of blockage ; kink in the hoses etc. If that doesn't start the water flowing then I would look at the pump. Always easier and cheaper to try the basic stuff first.

    Nice to be needed lol sorry I had a firework  puncture my eye ,chemical burn ,3rd degree burn etc, could see very well (still cant ) just need to enlarge my font now.  and can only do a short while on the comp cause it makes my head hurt. But I'm back . Thanks for missing me haha.


    Ouch! OK, your absence is excused! ;)

    <below reply moved to where it goes>


    Karma: 2345

    Trying to make it up I answered 4 or 5 more car questions.


    Thanks DP! But do not stress yourself. I was just ribbing you, lol. Do what you can but do not push it! Thanks for your efforts! :)

    <below reply moved>


    Karma: 2465

    Ohh I knew you were . I Like answering the questions . All of them just happened to be about cars last night. I drive a race car and have dropped a few engines in , so motorcycles and cars (along with alot of other "non female things" I know how to do. Kind of funny to see the look on peoples face when you ride a motorcycle in heels .lol or work on a race car and have long nails . I get the biggest kick when Im bass fishing and catch a 4lb large mouth and no one else has caught . Boyfriend wont fish with me anymore lol.

    I just like to learn how to do things so I can weld, blow glass, I make jewelry , sew, wood burn, roofing, etc. worked as a correctional officer in a level 3 mens prison, the medical field and now mental health , time to learn something new.

    And after all that, you still had time to bake a pie! LOL
    I'm exhausted just reading it all. Good on you girl. Show the boys how it's done! :)

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