    I want to contact the seller France 69 (157) regarding 140873726330 sold and paid 27/10

    The violin bow offered had several defects not mentioneds in the description, the nut did not belong to the stick, the nipple was missing and the adjuster did not fit in the canal, the head plate was broken. Repair costs exceed price for a dubious combination. This is a case for an item not accordfing to desciption

    0  Views: 248 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    You have the wrong website. This is akaQA, a general question and answer forum. No sellers here.

    To France 69 (157) regarding item 140873726330 (bow stamoed R & M MIllant). I noted the arrival of the bow inquestion, but I have now looked at  it

    The nut is not belonging to the stick, the nipple is missing, the adjuster does not fit the canalthe head plate is broken. Repair costs exceed by far the price to reach a dubious combination.

    Thus is a clear case of condition not according to description

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