    My VIN is 336879M424353 what year is my car?

    Olsmobile Cultass 442

    0  Views: 434 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Sorry, that is an incorrect VIN#

    It should be 13 digits

    The model year is the tenth digit

     If the "M" is the correct tenth digit, it is a 1999

    I mis-typed newer VIN's are 17 digits. It should have been a 1991

    A 1980

    B 1981  

    C 1982

    D 1983

    E 1984

    F 1985

    G 1986

    H 1987

    J 1988

    K 1989 

    L 1999

    M 1991

    N 1992 etc., to  Y  2000       

    Then Numbers from ! in 2000 etc to  9 in 2009  

    In  2010  bact to the letter "A"



    This is the correct VIN, I found out it is a 1969. Vehicles made before 1980 had different codes than the later models. The last digits are manufacturer codes. M means it was made in Michigan.
    Jack Large

    Where did you find the information on VIN's prior to 1980?

    I had to google the Oldsmoble Cutlass. I believ the info came up on a Mustang or Firebird site. It wasn't the right car but it had the VIN reading info I needed. Thank you for your assistance however, I woek on a variety of American Autos her in Germany and to make them Legal here they require exact manufacturer data no matter how old or new.

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