    What actions have you taken to prepare for Hurricane Sandy?

    +3  Views: 927 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    bustieone, I live in NH. and Sandy has caught up with us. Winds started this morning at about 10 miles per hour. It started to rain at 2pm and the wind has picked up to 40 miles per hour and wind gusts are 60 miles per hour. I am sure you are going to have more rain and wind than we do.
    We have kerosene lamps and the woodstove going. The power has not gone out yet, but I am sure it will. We have enough food to last us for at least another week. It is pretty scary though, because we are surrounded by many huge trees. I hope you stay safe and everyone else that is affected by this storm. Some of my family live in CT., and so does Colleen. May God keep you, my family and Colleen safe. I will not be able to get back on this site. Our lights are already flickering. Take care.


    Ann, You stay safe and well! Thanks for your concern. Hope Colleen and her family are o.k. as CT. was getting it worse than we in RI.

    I am very thankful that we did not have much damage, except one tree came down at the end of our driveway and of course many, many branches all over the place. My family in CT. is OK and did not loose power. So much damage in NJ. and NY. Its unthinkable. I hope you came through alright and did not have to leave your home.

    Thinking of you all Ann, glad you got through it safley.

    THank you sunny.B. It was a miracle.

    We have the usual batteries, milk, bread, dry firewood, ice blocks in freezer, tied down outdoor stuff, gassed the cars, taken out cash from bank, etc. 

    country bumpkin

    I hope you and your family will be safe. We need you here to help kids with their homework. LOL

    Oh, lets not go there, I got tuned up over that already, so am not helping with homework any more!
    country bumpkin

    You have a great sense of humor and I know for a fact that I'm not the only person here that enjoys reading your posts.

    And Thank you for concern of my family, we should do fine, we should have little more than power outage where I am in RI. I hope the Black Bear who was in our city last week finds a comfy shed to stay out of the storm. (It was 1 mile from our place, in middle of the city)

    No, and I do appreciate the comment that Dard had made, she gave me a needed heads' up, as it is easy to forget that with cultural differences, etc. some are offended by my humor and satire...
    country bumpkin

    I didn't see anything offensive about what you said. Take care!


    Bust, what state do you live in?

    Usually the state of Confusion, but it is RI

    Hi busty, If I had been living in the imminently threatened areas my answer would have been "I have stocked up on cat food and prayed to god". Cb has given you good advice, i.e., "don't let one person stop you from having fun." My humour is often taken seriously, mainly I think, because I don't use any signs or pointers indicating my intention.
    p.s. I just love cats.

    none, b/c a hurricane has never hit Michigan. But, this time, we did get high winds and rain. Some people on the north side of S.E. Michigan had trees fall over on their cars and roofs.

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