    Windows 7 When I used to search in Google there was a very useful safety monitoring device which indicated (as far as I remember) a green tick if OK, a red symbol if dangerous or a question mark saying ‘We have tested millions of sites but we have not tested this one yet’ It seemed to suddenly disappear. Is this a Google feature - how can I restore this or have they withdrawn it? Do any other search engines use a similar system? I have only been able to find, but this is n

    Windows 7
    When I used to search in Google there was a very useful safety monitoring device which indicated (as far as I remember) a green tick if OK, a red symbol if dangerous or a question mark saying ‘We have tested millions of sites but we have not tested this one yet’ It seemed to suddenly disappear.
    Is this a Google feature - how can I restore this or have they withdrawn it? Do any other search engines use a similar system?
    I have only been able to find, but this is not as good.

    0  Views: 521 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    I still get the google warnings, I have AVG free security that also warns of risky sites, have you changed your search engine recently,or in the past?

    Do you have "Norton Safe?"

    If you do, activate it, it tells you if a site is safe



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