    Whats your opinion on this new kind of electricity generator ?

    Company changed name.. Stock did go up from interest with another energy company.

    +3  Views: 1077 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: wind energy

    3 Answers

    Extremely big structure, doesn't seem as if they produce very much power based on the size of the tower, can't see it being economically viable, who is going to pay for the construction of these monsters?


    People like me i guess. Bought 50,000 shares over last several days. Guess they want to build one southern arizona -mexico border. I see they trying to acquire 3000 acres in mexico . We will see. Stock at .028 cents.

    Hope it pays off for you,we shall see!

    There is a reason its at .028. I will take the risk.

    It sounds good to me, and it would definitely beat all those ugly wind mills ruining the landscape. If it can get us off the dependence on's a step in the right direction.


    Thank you for bringing this to my attention! I think anything that gets us off of being so dependent on oil is good, as long as it doesn't muck up the environment itself.

    You'd rather have a high rise in your backyard?

    They say produce more power than nuclear reactor.

    We have a better energy coming an it will not need buildings the size of condos.

    I wish it was the size of condos. Its a whole lot bigger that that. 2,250 feet tall.

    <rolling eyes>

    I look at it as the lesser of evils. When you look at what happened in Japan and Chernobyl, these types of energy have their own costs. At least these towers wouldn't need to mounted along mountain ridges, which means they could be put anywhere.

    Wow, men truly do not listen. Trying again............NEW ENERGY. IT WILL NOT need huge buildings scattered around. 1 building will serve the world.

    One building serving the world? I'd have to see that to believe it possible!

    Coming soon to a land near you. It's already possible. We're just waiting for the oil companies to squeeze all the money possible out of oil first.

    Light water power plants use hour-glass shaped structure like that and have a strong up draft at the base due to the rising heat. I think it will work since down drafts near cave openings  that has a lower cave opening. I have toyed with the use of solar heat by heating air in a black pipe 30 feet tall.   The rise is due to heat and the pipe was insulated on the north side and clear bubble pack on the south side. It worked well and had quite a draft but that’s as far as I got for lack of funds 20 years ago. There are lots of ways to produce electrical energy by taking advantage of solar heat. cold air exhausting down-wardly. There’s also fog producing electricity and electricity produced by the earth  itself over distance between differing geological strata….like an enormous chemical battery.  


    I'm going to ask my mother for the name of the book she read. I think you will like it and find the information interesting. It fits with what you would like to see for this planet. It speaks of an energy even better than solar and cleaner than oil and safer than nuclear plants. It's already known, well already created and can be implemented easily. They are just waiting for the government to approve it and move away from oil.

    I have lots of experience with government involvement with the wheels of progress. It is a very slow grind. seems like every government agency has to be involver more and more deeply and then there are forms of un-imaginuable complications and fees.
    I think neither government nor industry can tolerate any form of natural abundance that can possible be viewed as a gift from God for our happiness and enjoyment without dipping their greedy hands into such matters to make a way for money (their own god) to be made and to abolish natural abundance. Were all their secrets known by all no one would accept their cowardly, self-serving ways.

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