    how to set up dart board

    how high how far away you should be from the board when shooting dart

    0  Views: 647 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Hanging Up The Dartboard
    Mounting your dart board at regulation height
    Regulation height for a dartboard is simple. The center of the bullseye is 5' 8" from the floor. Using a tape measure - or your wife if she stands 5' 8" - mark a spot on the wall or backboard where you will be mounting your dartboard. This will clearly show you where to mount the bracket for hanging the board at regulation height.

    Depending on your mounting surface you might also consider what hardware you may need. If you are using a backboard or cabinet that is mounted securely to the wall, the screws that came with your mounting bracket should do the trick.

    If you are hanging the board on sheet rock or in an apartment where you want to leave yourself an easy patch up for the day you may move, I recommend going to your local hardware store and purchasing some drywall anchors. The style pictured left are my favorites, as they hold massive amounts of weight and are super easy to use.

    Your dart board should have a pilot hole pre-drilled on the back directly behind the bullseye, and hopefully came with a screw to install there for hanging on the bracket. If you do not have a screw, make sure you find one that has a head big enough to grab the bracket securely, and that is not too long as to penetrate all the way through to the sisal where you will be planting darts on the front side of the board.>>CLICK HERE for more>>


    My wife is only 5'4", what should I put on her head to measure...

    Lemme 'bout the 2 phonebooks she's gonna toss your way after?? hee hee!

    Or a hand weight, that will pack more of a punch, won't it?

    DUCK!!!! :D

    Duck, I like Duck!! Thump, oh, you mean duck...

    bwahahaha!! Nut!!

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