    I’m dyslexic and really scared. Do you have any advice?

    My husband is going to the hospital- -the big, big hospital. You walk into that place and there’s all these directions and row of elevators. There are four levels. I have never navigated the halls by myself. Someone always takes me on a leash. (or something like that) I’m scared. We are fairly new in town and do not have a circle of friends I can call on.

    I was raised in a small mountain town. Life is so different now.

    +1  Views: 553 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Hospitals today have colored lines on the floor that you follow. Just ask at the desk which color line you need to follow to get to your husband's room. 


    Colored lines! don’t think they have those. What a great idea. I think maybe I’ll take a hospital field trip before the event. I’ll ride up and down on the elevators and step out on each floor. Time consuming ... but since I have comments and other people have my problem maybe it wouldn’t be so weird.
    It has struck terror for sure.

    Suggest the idea to your hospital.

    I definitely will suggest it to the hospital. I don’t think they’ll have time to paint a line for me. It would be lovely if they did. : )

    I felt the same way you do, when I had to go to Boston General hospital , not just once, but 5 times. I was lucky enough to have my other half and my daughter take me there each time and even then it was confusing. My daughter wrote down directions how to get to a certain Drs. office in this huge building complex and it went smooth after that.
    Go tho information desk and ask for directions and have them write it down, or you write it down yourself. Dont be afraid to ask, if you get confused.
    Most hositals have Volonteers and you can ask tem to take you where you need to go and to pick you up afterwards. I wish your husband and you the best.


    I have recurring nightmares about being lost in a city with a million of tall buildings. I’m a case.
    It would be embarrasing to ask a volunteer, but I will.
    The fear I have is doubled, of course, because he will be in the hospital.

    I'm the same way itsmee. The secret is to look at the signs and don't be afraid to ask for directions. Make sure you know the department or room number so you can be specific when asking. Write down the parking lot and/or entrance where you go in so you will know where to exit. Good luck!


    I am relieved to learn that I am not alone in this problem. I will go with my notebook in hand.

    I saw that people with that read until they see better so try it


    It helps me somewhat to know that other people have the problem.
    Welcome to akaqa. : )

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