    how to create a romantic dinner??

    +1  Views: 1026 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago

    11 Answers

    Invite guest/special person!...Plan and prepare the perfect meal...(Ask what food is a favo(u)rite)!...Decorate the table with flowers(Centre/Center)...Dim the lights...light candles on table...splash out on a fine wine if you can!...Romantic music softly playing in the background:-)...Pay special attention to scrubbing yourself up well and dress well..Pay special attention to your guest...relax and enjoy!..There you have to a good start!!:-)..(I don`t have a romantic bone in my body...but I`ve heard that`s the protocol!!:-))

    Good Luck!


    LOL!!! You're so funny.

    Ducky...I`ve seen it in the movies!!:-)

    Oh yes...don`t forget to heat the plates...and set the table nicely!!;-)

    Millie, what would we do without the movies ?

    heat the plates ? That's a new one.

    mcm..Am I the only one who heats the plates;?..Maybe it`s a British thing?..(We are a strange bunch!..Eh ROMOS)??!:-0

    Heated plates are pretty common...always heated in any half decent restaurant...(even heated at MY house...sometimes) haha

    Ducky..thank you!It`s good to know that I`m in with the elite!LOL!...warm plates mean food stays warmer longer!

    Good stuff here, keep it secret though :-).

    country bumpkin

    LOL.....Shhhhhhhh! You don't want to give someone any ideas!

    Have everything neat and clean, shining. Now, SET the table ahead of time, that create ambiance.....

    Prepare a picnic meal of a sparkling beverage, flavorful cheeses, crackers or bread, apple slices (or whatever you like).  Visit the zoo, then head for a park, lake, or foothills to enjoy your picnic.  That may not sound romantic to you, but I would love this.


    :D It could happen.....
    country bumpkin

    We'll keep our fingers crossed!

    Left hand only; I've got bowling tomorrow lol
    country bumpkin

    I'm left handed so this works just fine.

    It DOES sound romantic Bob!...(just not now in the U.K. where it`s freezing outside and raining cats and dogs!;-)..That would finish the potential relationship for me!;-))...I`ll bear it in mind for one of our 2/3 days of sunshine here,that we refer to as Summer)!!:-¬

    hI MILLIE. we only have about a month left for such an outing here. it cooled off about 20 degrees overnight and hasn't recovered. Happy Night.

    Bob..You`re lucky!..(Last year we had our "Summer"..Ie 2 weeks of heatwave in OCTOBER!..(It was really weird..everyone back in their shorts and bathers)!:-)...This`s just cold and grey and wet!:-(...(I`m thinking of posting a question.."Why is the sky Grey)"?!!
    How is the little one doing?Good I hope!:-?

    Thank you for asking! He is such a sweetheart; growing at a steady rate, smiling, cooing, and starting to relax a little more. He spent the whole day and night with me 3 weeks ago. I loved having him (Mom enjoyed him, too). :D

    Awwwhh Bob..That`s such good news!He sounds really cute,am glad...And great that you and your Mum/mom get to have him too!:-)Xx..(keep us updated..I`m often wondering how he`s doing)!:)

    You are a sweetheart!

    No not at all!..It`s just lovely to hear that he`s thriving and bring so much joy to everyone!XX

    Set the table for 2,  choose a nice centre piece (flowers), dim the lights, light the candles, chill the wine, soft background music.

                                                                 P.S....... Don't use chipped crockery.

    millie111 there any food??!;-?..Where`s the food?!;-0

    He rang for a pizza lol

    lOL..Oh great!...Dominoes again I suppose?!;-)

    Decide on the food. Think about something that will please your partner - does the person like to be surprised or does the person prefer a favorite dish? If you already know what your partner loves to eat, then go ahead and make them a great portion of this. Try to make as much as you can homemade. If your partner likes pizza, try to make the pizza from scratch.

    Decide on the drink. Some drinks go better with each different kind of food. You could go for something elegant and sophisticated as a nice bottle/glass of wine, if you like that. Some people are more pleased with a nice, cold beer or soda. Even water with lemon will do, if you opt for the healthy option.


    Decide on the location. You can always eat in the garden if you have one. This can be very romantic if the season of the year is right, and if you have a nice, bug-free garden. Lighten some candles around the place, but be careful so that any plant doesn't catch on fire. You can also eat in the kitchen, but then you will have to hurry to clean everything and make it look nice. Preferably, the dinning room is the place. Remember to dim the lights!


    Decide on the decorations. Flowers, rose petals, scented candles - you have many options, you will just have to be creative. Remember that candles are essential for a romantic dinner, so light up a bunch of those. Flowers are almost as important, they look really good at the table, whether it's something extravagant or simple. Just keep in mind that you should be able to look at each other over the table.


    Dress up. After making the food, take a shower and put on some perfume. Put on some casual, but nice clothes, and look refreshed and effortlessly handsome/beautiful. Your partner will appreciate the effort, and will feel more attracted to you. enjoy""

    use candlelight and soft, instramental music. Use a table cloth ,good china , and good silverware.

    I tried it once, good music, nice bottle of wine and candle lit table, hubby thought I'd burned the dinner again and was trying to hide it !

    First, build a fort under your dining room table.  Put cushions to sit on under the table and cover the table with sheets. (Make sure there is room for your dog).  Place flashlighs in different positions so that you can have a puppet show with your hands.  Now, get potato bread and toast it.  Put peanutbutter and jam on the bread.  Serve with really cold milk...chocolate milk is the best.  Invite your friend and your dog (or just your dog) into your fort, and enjoy!  


    Too funny! :)

    Flowers, candles, china, cloth napkins, wine, chocolate mousse and an entree that can be served at room temperature, just in case you never make it all the way thru the meal. Always nice to nibble on a little something afterwards. Enjoy!

    Do what I do. Have t.v. dinners by candlelight.

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