    my dog was attacked by another dog and my dog bit me, now he keeps growling and snapping me , what can i do

    0  Views: 906 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    I agree with Clu- emotional trauma, physical pain, or even illness can produce this type of reaction.  Time to check in with the vet!

    Have a word with your Vet, as your dog is still traumatized.

    He`s obviously traumatized and on the defensive..I don`t know a whole lot re dogs...but sometimes one of my cats acts that way...i give him space...loving...but maybe you should ask professional advice?....He sounds like he`s acting like any/many traumatized person!

    good luck!! 

    Your dog is very afraid and thinks you had something to do with the attack. I would give him extra love and petting and treats. He's just scared! See the vet too! He may be in pain and you don't know about that.

    Your dog associates the other dog's attack as sanctioned by you. In other words, the poor guy thinks that the attack made by the bad guy was all your fault, and you were on the bad dog's side.    If you have not had your dog for long, you have not yet bonded properly with him. He needs to know that you do really love him, and you must make him understand this. You will not accomplish a close and solid bond just by giving him a scratch behind the ear every now and again, you really have to show him lots of very close and gentle contact . Before he goes to sleep at night, spend some time - at least half an hour - with him. Speak to him softly, and use his name often. Be slow and gentle with your movements. Spend time playing with him, but remember that your dog sees games as competitive, and he will want to win. It is very important that this does not happen, you must always win the game. You must establish yourself as a caring leader, and you must be the boss.

    Go to your local pet shop and buy a really good book about training and handling dogs. If possible, get a book which deals with dogs of your pet's breed. If he is a crossbreed, then choose a book that is nearest to his breed.

    Good luck, and remember, when you got your dog you entered into an unspoken, unwritten contract. Give him the love and kind discipline that he needs, and he will repay you tenfold.

    country bumpkin

    Thank you for your answer.

    You obviously have dogs, you understand them so well, bloody great answer.

    He thinks you were on the other dog's side because you got involved in the dogfight.Now he's scared of you or at least unsure.You will have to reassure him that you mean him no harm somehow. Give him some treats & be patient with him.


    Yes, exactly. Good answer.

    Bite hit back it see how he likes ir..


    ...or squirt HIM with a fire hydrant!


    Never inflict pain on an animal! No sense to it!

    Always looking for the headline Daren."MAN BITES DOG".LMAO

    have him examined by a vet the dog that bit him could have had problems and now your dog has it see what your local vet can tell you they will help

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