    TSA Hires Priest Accused of Molesting Girls to Do Patdowns on Kids. What do you think?

    +1  Views: 546 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Speaking as an American....

    I've often wondered just how many uncaught sexual perverts and child molesters have a job as a TSA agent. The TSA is totally invasive of the rights of people. It should be disbanded and any agent ever reported for inappropriate touching should be prosecuted, not just given a hand slap. It's disgusting to me to see exactly what the American people will put up with and accept just because they are scared and think only of themselves while they allow others to be treated like criminals devoid of rights. If you're that afraid of terrorists somehow getting on a plane, don't fly! I do not fly because I am not a criminal and will not be treated like one. Get rid of the TSA. When Texas said they were no longer going to allow the TSA to control their airports, Obama threatened Texas with not allowing any planes to land in Texas and not allowing any planes to take off from Texas. Does anyone see a problem here? The president has no right to dictate what a state does. Yet that's just what Obama did. The TSA is not in place to keep Americans safe. They are in place to police Americans. This goes against every grain of the US Constitution. 


    If the TSA is disbanded, what entity is going to oversee the job that they're now doing?

    What job is it doing now other than to police law abiding citizens? Without the TSA, we go back to business as usual with the airlines checking people and their baggage. Did you know that unsecured guns are still getting through even with the TSA at all airports? Just recently a woman who had just come off an airplane was found to have a gun on her person. We were fine until 9-11. Supposedly we killed the leaders of the attack and disbanded the Taliban. Why are we still so fearful of terrorist? Because the government tells us to be so they can continue to control law abiding citizens and remove their rights from them. That's why. It's a scam and the people continue to fall for it because they let fear rule their common sense.

    The TSA should be cancelled. It costs too much and delivers nothing more than faux security


    And it removed the rights of the American people. I will not fly ever again until they stop treating all people as criminals without rights.

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