    what does the 4 rings mean on audio

    0  Views: 403 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    4 rings? Can you add some detail to your question please?

    • Audi's four rings have nothing to do with the Olympics but represent the juncture of four earlier German auto companies in 1932. Horch, DKW, Wanderer and Audi were forced to ally by depressed market conditions to form Auto Union. After the war, the company finally took the name Audi which is Latin for "I hear," a translation of the name of August Horch, founder of the company that bore his name, but kept the Auto Union rings.
    The underlying theme of 4 resounds within the Audi Brand Group,
    - 4 ring Audi Logo - quattro all-wheel drive (quattro is Italian for 4) - 4 brands forming Auto Union - benchmark A4/S4 models which were instrumental in Audi's modern resurgence.

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