    why is allways trying to rips off

    why is so many people are trying to rips us off

    0  Views: 567 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    If you're speaking about life in general,

    you should seriously rethink the people

    you have in your life and leave them behind.

    Because their government handout money from obama has run out. They dont want to work for a living. They want something for nothing. Thats called a being democrat. Thats why they voted for obama. Would you want to associate with people like this. NO !!!  They are not scared they will be killed because of their action of stealing. Then there is the biological reason or physical sickness reason. I had same problem about two years ago with an employee stealing from us. Stole money and credit card. I waited and had her arrested  just few days before christmas  . She had to come back up with the money if she didnt want to spend christmas in jail away from her four kids. She had no regrets. She came up with the three thousand dollars on christmas eve. I wondered who she stole that from. She got another job a few months later and was just recently fired for stealing again. Obama voters just cant be trusted.

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