    Why should america allow Isriel suffer terrorist threats

    0  Views: 844 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    i believe that me being non jewish but a presbyterian that the israelis would be a better and safer nation if they put the sword down as the sayings of jesus says an d believed with all their heart s and all their minds and all their beliefs and made thmselves a rgion for many visitors and many denominations peacefull people make peace full countries an idea from john langan

    Put down your sword and I shall runneth through with mine

    5 Answers

    Israel should and will take on Iran. The USA is making a big mistake by not supporting them. They need our bombs and bullets and we should give it to them. To think Iran is not going to come after the USA and Europe once they have a deliverable nuclear device is crazy.




    I'm beginning to question who the real terrorists are.

    "They need our bombs and bullets and we should give it to them."

    Then that's all we send. Leave our people home where they can defend this nation when Iran decides to attack us for helping Israel.
    ed shank

    Colleen, I'm glad were not drinking buddies. I want a friend who's going to watch my back and not run out on me when I'm getting the s**t beat out of me by a bunch of crazies.

    Ed, President Obama signed the United States-Israel Enhanced Cooperation Act" on July 27th 2012.
    It icludes financial and technocoligal assistance to produce defensive systems to counter the the threat of rockets and missiles, acsess to US. manufactured defense equipment and defense articles to training with military forces, including 3 billion in foreign military financing and an additional 70 million and 205 million in 2011 to for Israel to develop a rocket defense system called Iron Dome.
    I dont see how in the world, Iran could be a threat to Israel. Iran is also surrounded by 45 Military installions. Isreal has also consistently refused peace negiations in the middle east.

    ed, I do not drink because I see what it does to people. Drunks who get the crap beat out of them, usually deserve it. Dunks are typically the ones abusing others. I stay away from alcohol and drunks.

    Thank you for the research Ann. It proves my point, Netanyahu is simply bucking for a war because the US has made them feel powerful enough to get into one. They will have to start this war on their own. The USA should not be the country to start it for them.
    ed shank

    Ann, Thank you for sharing that with me, I was ignorant of the facts you presented. As far as our President goes, how can we believe anything this man says? He refused to meet with the PM, the world is going crazy, our Ambassador is murdered along with other Americans and he's doing late nite comedy shows instead of addressing the issues. Regardless of Iran's defenses at their border the the Israelis would without a doubt be able to strike Iran.
    What's to talk about? The Iranians have said repeatedly that Israel can not exist. Would you negotiate with a regime that has one objective and that is to kill your children and everyone you love. I wouldn't.

    Everyone knows that bullies on the playground are the weakest people. They are a lot of talk and little scraps here and there to try and promote fear in the playground and make others believe that they hold the power. Iran can act the bully all it wants and threaten to eradicate a nation. All talk as they can not do this without affecting their own nation. Don't feed into the fear. Israel is already protected. Iran will back down if everyone stops listening to it's threats. Iran knows it can not win against a superpower.
    ed shank

    Bullies are not the weakest in the playground, their called bullies for a reason. Until someone slams a fist down their throat they are the bully and the damage they have caused is done and irreversible. An aggressive, deliberate, damage causing response is the only way to neutralize a bully.

    I beat up the bullies on my playground in elementary school. They weren't all that. From day one, teach kids that they have a backbone and a right to defend and stand up for themselves. There will be less bullies if more kids had backbones. The same goes for government officials.

    Ed, you will only understand when you read the history of Iran and Israel in the middle east by Sheldon M. Richman of the cato Institute.Obama is trying to distance himself from getting involved in another war, that could easily turn into World war III.The US has nothing to gain and everything to loose.

    Colleen, Ron Paul did not sign the United States-Israel Enhanced Cooperation Act of July27, 2012.He gave his own assesment of the situation on his Ron Paul website and as usual, he is correct.

    I know Ann and unfortunately his foreign policies are what people could not understand and that is what hurt his campaign. He does have it right. Too many Americans think it's our responsibility to rescue the world no matter the cost to the people of America because that's what we've always done. Where has it led us? We have countries we support and rescue that spit in our eye. We need to say out of foreign squabbles. Religious wars are not our fight.
    ed shank

    Ann, Obama distancing himself is typical Obama. Nobody wants a war that could lead to a third world war. But given who we are dealing with, this scenario will only be avoided by a show of unity with the Israeli's and a show of military strenght. Blood and guts is what these people understand. We have to show them we too are capable of drawing blood. This hypothetical would impact the entire planets economy. What role would the rest of the world play? Sit idly by and watch their countries go down the tubes, I think not.

    ed, you are letting your hatred of "those people" blind you. The only reason you want us to go to war with Iran is because as you've said often enough, we need to blow them into oblivion.But you are not talking about just the radicals, you want them all killed, exterminated, eradicated. Men, women and children regardless of how close they hold to the country's religion. Your prejudice is getting in the way of common sense. I for one do not want my country being a main contender in the start of WWIII just because of a prejudice. We've done enough to this point to aid Israel. They are on their own if they want to start this war. Until then, sit back and wait to see if Iran actually produces a nuclear weapon. We have the technology to know if they do and when they do. Israel has a defense system bought and paid for by the people of the United States to knock down missiles sent by Iran. This does not have to lead to WWIII. I'm thinking of the children of the USA who have a right to live as long a life as you have. WWIII could take that away from them.
    Remember, Iran has allies too. It is not as simple as the US sending missiles to blow up Iran. If we did that, their allies may not take kindly to it. Who are Iran's allies? Here's the list: N. Korea, Syria and Palestine (China, Russia, Germany, France are vested business allies. Money talks). I may be missing one or two. Do you feel like fighting them too?
    ed shank

    Spend a little time reading The Koran and it's teachings as I was forced to do as a youngster. Even at the age of ten, it was obvious that this religion is mired in hatred. Believe what "you" will, "love" will conquer all.

    If that's the way you believe, trust in God that "He" will set things right. Why people feel they need to war for God when "His" voice does not boom down from heaven telling us to war for "Him" is beyond me.

    Many peaceful people find the Koran to be beautiful. When I read the bible, I only see judgment, fear, threats and killing. I would never call for the annihilation of Christians because of this. We all interpret other religions in our own way. This does not mean what we think is the truth of that religion. Christians use to butcher people. They hung them, they burned them, they tortured them. They were terrorists. Christians would say they were not real Christians. These people you hate so bad, all of them are not terrorist. Not all of them would kill for their religion and God. I hope you get what I'm saying here.

    Ed, Iran is aready weakend by sanctions. It would not take much right now to attack them. I think that is the plan of our current Administration. We cant afford another war, its as simple as that.
    ed shank

    Ann, I respectfully disagree with you. This administration is not looking for another war. Neither am I. We have to be firm with these people and not let comments like "If Israel attacks, we will attack the USA". You don't really think we should ignore these comments?

    Because we can not save every country. Israel is doing it's fair share in trying to get a war going. America can not afford another war. We've lost too many Americans to too many wars over the last 10 years and have spent trillions of dollars on them.  We need a break and Israel needs to stop shouting and threatening Iran. That's just my opinion. America gets terrorist threats too. Israel is not here stopping them for us, are they?


    Who's trying to start a war? Israel must strike first. There was initial uproar when Israel attacked the Iraqi facilities; shortly thereafter, people began to realize that Israel was right. How is Iran different than Iraq in this regard?

    "Who's trying to start a war?"

    Anyone who believes Israel needs the USA to go over and drop missiles on Iran. That's who is trying to start a war. I'm seriously tired of wars and hearing about wars and knowing there are grown ups in this world who can only fight and not try in the tiniest bit to get along. All because of religion and foolish beliefs that one god is better than the rest when none of them know the true creator. Every person in this world just needs to grow the heck up. But then I see some of the crap said right here on akaQA and I know it's just not possible for people to get along. Anyone who wants this war, knows nothing of God.

    how could an y country even contemplate going to war in the middle east and even using weapons of mass destruction this is very dangerouse for the middle east and the countries involvedshould open up new channells of trustworthy negotiotations an d grant peace for the peoples of the region

    wars in this world should hav e been made a thikng of the pas t in this reg ion all; this needs is coming sense from all countries in the middle east as far as i am concerned people should grow up and choose life nolt death an d destruction rpsvpl johnlangan

    I agree with Colleen, however, I do believe that Obama should have at least met with Netanyahu. Ignoring him and Israel's situation doesn't seem like his persona. For some reason Obama is distancing himself from our biggest ally in the middle east. Israel is certainly in a threating situation and if worse comes to worse, they won't be able to handle it alone, therefore, we really have no choice but to come to Israel's aid.  Terrorists threats in Israel must be handled by Israel's army and law enforcement. Not much we can do.  However if there is imminent attack then USA would probably step in, regardless of Obama's dislike for his distancing.  


    I think this is his foreign policy. I believe he thinks that if he meets with Netanyahu, then Iran will go after and kill Americans as they threatened to do if the USA aided Israel in their quest to strike first.

    Perhaps, but Iran is certainly not a pansy in the desert, Ahmadinejad is definitely looking for a fight. it's not a matter of if, its when. and IMO, Obama should have met with him, Israel is our ally over there regardless of what repercussions it may or may not have we are part of it. Since 1947 I believe. Israel is the only country in the Middle east that is just like us, most libs hate this but the Israelis love it. I stand with them. I don't want to see a war but its going to happen and unfortunately, we will be dragged into it, this is why we really should not cut military spending and cut back on our defense- We are certainly going to need it soon. Nobody wants war, but sometimes a war is needed to end a fight.. Think about it. Historically.

    They've been fighting and warring over there for centuries. We can not stop this. Sometimes a script just has to play out to the end. I still feel Israel is egging on this war. They have been doing their own bullying trying to take back land they lost.

    Palestinians have been sending suicide bombers into Israel over and over, they walk into a crowded area and set them off killing hundreds for years, there is no known incident of this violence coming from Israel. There has been incidents of Isareal countering these attacks with military action but this was stopped years ago by NATO and with the USA intervention. If they continued retaliation, we would cut off aid and not support them in a major crisis.. It was stopped. Still the attacks by suicide bombers continued. I believe they have a right to be concerned when Iran threatens to wipe them out with nuclear weaponary. Although they insist they are not developing nuclear weapons. If we do not stand in front of Isreal, they will be attacked, this will happen as they are the most hated Arab country by Arabs.. although they do not consider them arabs they are. The Jews have been persecution for 2000 years. They want to fight back. Basically Nets meeting was probably asking Obama 'where do we draw the line'.. When does the USA decide that they have a crisis on hand.

    Vinny, this all makes my head hurt. I'm truly tired of trying to figure out who the US should go blow up next. I'm fast beginning to feel like the USA is the terrorist nation when we always go charging into other countries to beat them up for picking on our friends. Instead of just threatening each other, grow the heck up and talk. This is why history repeats itself over and over. War is so much easier than just figuring out how to get along. Men know no other thing. Just bring on the weapons to prove who's is bigger. If Iran is not allowed to have nuclear weapons, then no one should have them. I still say Netanyahu's threats on Iran are not helping matters. He wants first strike but he wants the US to do it. We can not afford another war and I'm tired of watching Americans die because spoiled brat leaders refuse to get along with others. If Iran shows a nuclear weapon, then you know the US will step in. We do have the capabilities to know exactly what Iran is doing. Iran knows if it even hints of having a nuclear weapon and hints of using it, the whole world is coming down on their heads. We went and helped Libya. Libyan people are now spitting in our face and killing Americans. Netanyahu is virtually spitting at the USA because Obama has chosen not to go and threaten Iran right now. Even Israel's defense minister says Netanyahu needs to calm down. Temper tantrums and demands will not get the US to move faster.

    Defence Minister Ehud Barak seemed to criticise Netanyahu's assault on the Jewish state's biggest ally.
    "Despite the differences and importance of maintaining Israel's independence of action, we must remember the importance of partnership with the United States and try as much as possible not to hurt that," a statement from his office said.


    Ok--- This is what we do, we are taxpayers, we assume our taxes are being spent for the betterment of the USA and its peoples, but this is incorrect, we spend billions of dollars in foreign aid to other countries that hate us. We bail em out!! So.. Lets do this, lets keep our taxes here in the USA where it belongs, pay off our debt to China and let these countries bully each other into submission, not our concern, however, we must get our citizens out of these countries right now and also prohibit visiting as well, we need to cut all and end all. Now we don't need our military since we only use it in other countries, not here at home, let the world collapse on itself and assume we will be ok because we are tired of fighting their wars. How's that?? hey are killing our Ambassadors, no need to send them anymore. I for one never could understand why we must continue sending our money, aid, soldiers and fruitcakes to people that hate us anyway.. so.. You win! lets get this started.. Now!
    There, wasn't that easy?? no more problems. just stop everything we do and hope they can hold their own head above water.

    Read Ann's comment. We are and have been aiding Israel. We are doing enough for them at this point. They have the power needed to protect themselves compliments of the USA. I agree, stop sending money to countries that hate us. I wrote my congressmen about that very issue recently and they both agreed. Rand Paul is in session with the senate right now, this very minute fighting to make that happen. Todays e-mail from Rand:
    "The vote over my bill to stop foreign aid from flowing to Libya, Pakistan, and Egypt takes place this evening.

    And Capitol Hill is buzzing with chatter about the massive amount of phone calls flowing in from folks like you.

    Rand Paul"

    Instead of getting snarky, try talking to your Congressmen and Senators like I do. Try checking into exactly what the USA is doing for people who get themselves into wars they can not handle.

    As I stated above under ed's comment, "Netanyahu is simply bucking for a war because the US has made them feel powerful enough to get into one."

    Yes! I am all for that, cut them off, let them have the power to destroy each other without US intervention and pull out of NATO. Lets concentrate on home because another 4 years of Obama we will need every dime we have to support his ideas.

    that said, why don't we do the same at home?? Cut off aid to the derelicts that won't contribute, dump all the illegals. No more free lunch. When a couple bullies get in a fight on the street, no police intervention, let them duke it out. One dies, one lives until it's his turn to die, eventually we will be rid of all derelicts and bullies.

    I'm finished with this -- :) Time for me to move on and create mayhem elsewhere on akaQA :)

    Glad you've decided to end your contribution to this. Continuing to be snarky even after being presented with facts that people are trying to resolve problems and issues just makes you look unreasonably bitter. If you want to get rid of freeloaders, vote for Romney. He doesn't like the freeloaders either.

    Shame on you Colleen.. Certainly we can voice our opinions without getting 'bitter' -- As long as I don't insult or use profanity this should be the only stipulations.. making myself look bitter?? I am hardly a bitter person, anyone that knows me personally will tell you this, I do however have opinions. And what facts are you speaking of that I disagree with?? I said in the beginning that I agree with you.. With stipulations of my own. and I probably will vote for Romney but I don't think he has plans on doing anything I have said. I think he is the one to get us back on track, he has business sense and we now need a CEO more than a president to clean this mess up. No more 'Mr' Nice guy trying to make the world love him at the expense of the millions of working americans. But of course thses are my opinions. I base my findings on listening to rhetoric from both sides, not just one. i see lies, I see politicians but what I want to see is results, I can look at Romney's past with companies like staples to burger King, and all in between and i see successful companies, I look at Obama's past and I see acorn and community services based on donations and handouts. If you say this is bitter?? not really, its just stating what I see that many do not see and will not admit it if they did.. Cutting money to countries that hate us?? Is it bitter to say, yes! They should be cut -- ??? Ok.. I'll try to leave this one again.

    Your words reflect my observation. Shame on you for not allowing me my observation. Like you, I was voicing my opinion based on your comments. What I call bitter was you hurling improbable ideas to solve the issues. Let criminals duke it out in the streets and kill each other, keep the police out of it? Improbable. Such comments in my opinion come from bitterness.
    Facts you missed about the USA actually helping when you claimed they were not helping and not getting involved:
    Quote Ann: "Ed, President Obama signed the United States-Israel Enhanced Cooperation Act" on July 27th 2012.
    It icludes financial and technocoligal assistance to produce defensive systems to counter the the threat of rockets and missiles, acsess to US. manufactured defense equipment and defense articles to training with military forces, including 3 billion in foreign military financing and an additional 70 million and 205 million in 2011 to for Israel to develop a rocket defense system called Iron Dome.
    I dont see how in the world, Iran could be a threat to Israel. Iran is also surrounded by 45 Military installions. Isreal has also consistently refused peace negiations in the middle east."

    I apologize for misreading your attitude. It's just how it came across in your words.

    We'll see about Iran.. japan struck a nation knowing they couldn't defeat it, Yamamoto stated that after the attack. "I fear we have awaken a sleeping giant." Iran we'll see, they have a madman at the helm. Unfortunate because the Iranian people in general have nothing against the USA. let's see what happenes, i pray you are right because if it does happen, it won't be a weekend war.

    Japan ran a gamble. If the German's had won, Japan would have had help from them to continue their agenda against the USA. They gambled and lost. Iran can do the same, they can gamble. What do they have backing them up in their agenda? Is it worth the gamble to them? I don't think so and I believe, neither do they. They are all smoke and mirrors with their threats. It's others behind the scene who work to make these threats appear more real than they are. Others who would profit from yet another war and maybe even a 3rd world war. If this war happens, that is exactly where it will lead. WWIII, is that what you want just because Israel is calling Iran a bully?

    Vinny, Israel has nothing to fear. Iran does not have Nuclear weapons, while Israel has 150-200 Nuclear weapons, enough to wipe out the whole middle east. There is something much more sinister behind all this talk of Iran beeing a terrorist nation. Look at the history of Iran and our involvement in the middle east.

    There are a lot of different issues in this question.  We (US) agreed to help Israel Defend themselves...Both the US & Israel (along with many other countries) signed the NPT ("we wont use our nuclear weapons treaty") and Israel has said that they will throw a nuclear preemptive strike to save Israel from a nuclear strike from Iran (who may or may not have working nuclear weapons).  Now anyone who knows about nukes knows that a Nuclear bomb would be the end of most of the Middle East, Northern Africa, Spain and parts of Europe and Asia- but would adversely affect the entire Earth..also The US helped form the treaty and was among the 1st three signatures (along with "Russia" and the UK).  So, the US won't/can't go along with Israel's idea..but in July we did agree to supply Israel with many weapons used to destroy in-coming weapons.  


    TRUST me on this- You don't want to find out 1st hand (you live Way too close to Israel and Iran).

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