    I'm late for this question but am wondering: What were you and your close others doing when you first heard of 9/11?rd

    History, memories, 

    +7  Views: 899 Answers: 16 Posted: 11 years ago

    That evening I took a walk on the Embarcadero where all the tourists usually went and laughed, danced, and enjoyed the quaint shops and good food. (Moro Bay)
    That night their eyes looked blank and sooty. It was unbelievable.
    The people on the Embarcadero looked that way for a long, long time.
    I wanted to talk to others about it. Nobody seemed to want to talk. I felt so alone.
    Each took that pain and loss in their own way. I was thankful for the internet and the radio. At that time we didn’t have a TV.
    Yes, I still feel it.

    Our TV was tuned to CNN for days after the event.I couldn't keep my mind off it.I think we were in shock.

    itsmee I just remember sad to say that everyone looked zombiefied that blank stare on faces a real shock x

    16 Answers

    I went for a walk with my dog. When I came back, I turned on the TV and there was NY from a distance and smoke rose from the towers. It was total confusion at first of what happened. I watched the total horror unfolding and I was too schocked to even get my coffee.

    I was sitting in a car showroom and they had a Tv for their customers My Husband and I were the only ones in there and a guy came in and said what was wrong as I burst into tears could not believe what was happening the whole car show room came in and we watched and no said a word I dont think anyone could speake and I think we couldnt belive whats was happening I just feel it happened yesterday 11 years ???


    Yes, I people fall silent too.

    itsmee thanks x

    I was enrolled in some local college classes and during my 10 minute break, I called a friend  to chat, this is when she informed me the United States  is under attack.


    I got chills reading your reply. Wow, after 11 years it is still so strong......
    country bumpkin

    When classes resumed, I told the instuctor's what was taking place, they were speechless, I'm not sure they believed me at first, but one of them left the room and came back 30 minutes later to confirm what I had said. Most of the people in class were wanting to leave because the local university cancelled classes as soon as the attacks were confirmed, but I was at the local junior college and they would not let us leave.

    Come to think of it, I think I left work early that day because I remember watching so much of it on TV.......

    I stayed in chat rooms on the internet for days - weeks. My husband had to step in to shake me out of it.

    Woke up in the morning,  put the T.V on, and there it was, on every channel.

    I was at work and we all had radios and heard about it first through them.  One poor guy had a two inch TV and about 20 of us crowded around him to watch. It was awful and confusing. I remember thinking the first hit was an accident, it never crossed my mind that it would be an "on purpose"......

    country bumpkin

    My exact thoughts!

    I heard it on the radio very early in the morning here.Panic. Our daughter was supposed to be in New York.Took 12 hours to get her on the phone.


    Terrible. Something that takes us all a long time to get over - you longer.

    Heard it on the TV. News .It didn`t sink in ,later on live coverage Thought this cant be "true .Shock ,and anger was my "Reaction !! These "evil Cowards Not "Humans .Question can we "Trust Muslins ! they are in every country in the world "WHY !!


    I do not believe 9-11 to be the work of Muslims. I believe it was a cooperative effort between radical militants and members of the US government. When it comes to a trust issue, look at your own government first. 9-11 could not have happened without inside help and planning.

    They could not have done this without inside help. All security at the World Trade center was shut down just a few weeks before the towers were hit. All bomb sniffing dogs were removed while inside "renovations" were performed. UK news televised the collapse of the second tower, 20 minutes before the live air collapse was shown here in the US.

    Explosives were place in the towers prior to 9-11. There was a video on you-tube that mysteriously disappeared after it showed explosions going off on each level as the tower began collapsing straight down into it's own footprint.
    It was good for Bush.
    ed shank

    This government kills over 3K innocent people, completely destroys two buildings in New York, tries to take out the Pentagon, and sends another plane to take out the White House. Fifteen people of the Muslim religion commandeer these aircraft and also die in the suicide mission. You have to believe in the Easter bunny if you believe this rubish that Bush ordered this attack.

    Show me where I said Bush ordered that attack. WTC, they found one pristine ID belonging to a supposed terrorist. Everything else burned to ash except this one id. Uh huh. This governmental kills innocent people every day for agendas. Just keep the blinders on. You will feel safer that way.

    I have to leave this space now ... another life calls. I'll be back. This looks fascinating!

    After I heard about both towers getting hit, I did what any other red-blooded all-American girl would do.......I called my mom !!


    Yes, I got two calls. My daughter was stuck in Las Vegas. No flights out and no lights. We were going to get her but she found someone going her way.

    I will never forget that morning...and the weeks that followed!  What a terrible time for us (US)!  and so many questions linger!

    I was working across the street from Battery Park at the time, several blocks from the towers. I took that day off a week in advance. I was driving my wife to work and heard it on the radio. Later that morning I actually saw the towers go down. I couldn't watch it anymore on TV. Till this day I can't watch it.


    Just as well, Ed. : (
    ed shank

    I am touched to read all the comments from those abroad who felt the pain we here in the US felt that day. It's wonderful to know that we are not hated by all, and that we are all one human family.

    I was sicker than a dog when my mother called long distance freaking out...I turned on the tube and saw it all unfold...shocking and surreal...our island was so quiet for 5 days after that we could hear the Harp Seals way out on the air or unwarranted water traffic made for a strange quiet where otherwise was a constant hum of activity  here on Canadas' west coast.


    You described that so well. I lived right over the mountain from Diablo Nuclear Plant. All through the hills they had huge speakers that would beep if there was an imminent "problem" The beeps stopped my heart.
    Such silence in our little ocean town.
    I lived in the 'FIRST RING OF DANGER" (That meant that we had to leave first if there was a true disaster.) I had a little slow car ... I thought I might do better on a bicycle. : (
    I stayed on the internet for weeks. Listening to the radio. Listening to the sky. Just listening.

    Yes...I felt eerily stunned for many weeks after that...listening...

    I was working in my office at the time, and my son phoned to say he was watching it on TV . I coudn't beleive it ,  I said to him are you sure you are not watching a film, and he said no it's really happening.I  like most was totaly shocked and numberd by it all.


    Sunny, I called my mom too.

    i remember i didnt have to work that day. i got up, got my kids off to school and switched on th tv. at first i thought i was seeing a movie of some sort. then i realized what was going on. all i could do was sit and watch in horror and disbelief. i too cried for days and thats all we talked about for a long time. i pray nothing like that ever happens again, to anyone.

    I was asleep and my mom woke me up and said "we're under attack". I didn't quite understand her,  so I turned on the TV and saw the first tower being hit. All I could think was, some air traffic controllers are in some big trouble.(not those words) Then I saw the second plane and I new this was not an accident. Then I saw the pentagon and all the people in NY in total shock. Then the tower fell and the people was running for their lives. I was in total shock. I was glued to the TV day and night for days. I prayed, I cried, and I got angry. 11 years later and I still get teary eyed when talking or thinking about 9/11. Especially for the people who made the decision to jump from the tower instead of burning to death.

    My friend and I ,were on holidays in States at the time. We were on coach, on way from Branson to N York,, when news came on radio. Our tour guide tried to explain to us, what had happened, but she was so shaken, we did not fully understand, That is, until we booked into our Hotel, and put on TV, it was like a horror movie, we were in so much shock, we switched TV off.

    On my way to work listening to Howard Stern on the radio. Astonishingly surreal.


    Was Howard Stern live?

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