    Should Prince Harry have been reprimanded for his escapade in Vegas, after all what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?

    +1  Views: 636 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago

    11 Answers

    He's in Helmand province as we speak................

    Give the guy a break!

    The paparazzi, have been at it again, this time in France., taking photos of Prince Williams wife Kate, sun bathing , topless at a French chateau. The editor of the French version of Closer magazine that published the 13 pictures of Kate, warned that it has more photos. The couple will sue. 


    If you're known world-wide and you sunbathe topless, you are asking for trouble. I know it's invasion of privacy but where are these people's brains?

    Stop buying the trash, with these less than tasteful photo's perhaps they might just disappear, no demand, no market, no money

    He is human just like the rest of us. Leave him alone.

    Harry was raised to have fun- not to be King...& from the looks of it he had fun.

    The paparazzi has been known to place cameras in toilets, bedrooms, in children's toys, at any risk and expense to get a photo that can be sold to tabloids or on photographers black markets.  I have no pity for the paparazzi who go about stealing respect, privacy and personal dignity. They take from others for personal profit….how obscene that our culture allows the unreserved pillaging of one’s appearance without the reservation our personal choice.    


    I think i have one in my toilet,and need to go Bad,

    If it shows anything at all, it shows he is just human like the rest of us.


    Pictures? lol

    He is young man, enjoying his life to a degree, so why not.

    I feel that boys will be boys, that old cliche works here and is none of my business. I'm sure my brothers have done worse........

    He's a young man , who like most young people get carried away at times, and what happens in private should stay private. His  body guard should have been more on the ball and checked who had cameres at the party.

    A hundred years ago Harry's ancestor King Edward VII, known as Dirty Berty, was famous for his cavortings  with women to whom he was not marrried. Harry is simply continuing the tradition and so would most of us if we had the opportunity. The only difference today is cellphones and hidden cameras.

    No, He was in Vegas and that is that.


    It didn’t stay in Vegas.

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