    can anyone help me find a song called "The Blood Red Rose"

    this is a song that my grandmother told me about a long time ago, it was supposed to be about a man giving his true love a blood red rose

    0  Views: 471 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Blood Red Roses


    Our boots and clothes are all in pawn
    Go down, you blood red roses, Go down
    It's mighty drafty 'round Cape Horn
    Go down, you blood red roses, Go down

    Oh, you pinks and posies
    Go down, you blood red roses, Go down

    But it's round Cape Horn that we must go
    Go down, you blood red roses, Go down
    For that is where them whalefish blow
    Go down, you blood red roses, Go down

    Oh, you pinks and posies
    Go down, you blood red roses, Go down

    My dear old mother wrote to me
    Go down, you blood red roses, Go down
    Oh, son, dear son come home from sea
    Go down, you blood red roses, Go down

    Oh, you pinks and posies
    Go down, you blood red roses, Go down

    Now one more pull and that will do
    Go down, you blood red roses, Go down
    For we're the boys to pull her through
    Go down, you blood red roses, Go down

    Oh, you pinks and posies
    Go down, you blood red roses, Go down

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