    how do i delete yahoo 7.

      I have deleted all yahoo items but yahoo 7 won't delete.


    0  Views: 447 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    Answered. Double post.

    1 Answer

    There are two ways to uninstall the Yahoo! Toolbar for Internet Explorer.

    Option 1: Via the toolbar()

    1. Select "Uninstall" from the Pencil button (Toolbar Settings).
    2. Click "Uninstall" on the uninstall page.
    3. Close any open IE windows.

    When you restart Internet Explorer, Yahoo! Toolbar will no longer be present.

    Option 2: Via the Control Panel

    1. Click the Windows "Start" button.
    2. Select "Control Panel" from the "Settings" menu.
    3. Double-click on "Add/Remove Programs".
    4. Scroll down and click on the "Yahoo! Toolbar" entry.
    5. Click on "Change/Remove."
    6. Close any open IE windows.

    Yahoo! Toolbar is now uninstalled. Please start IE again after closing all your open IE browser windows and it will no longer be present.

    If you follow these steps and Yahoo! Toolbar is still present, make sure you've closed all your open IE browser windows. Due to Internet Explorer being integrated with Windows, you might need to restart your computer to fully uninstall Yahoo! Toolbar.

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