    Which to use? a while /or/ awhile

    0  Views: 616 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Depends on the context of the sentence. 

    Tom had to wait awhile for Sally to get home. 

    Every once in a while, Sally came home late. 

    "A While" Versus "Awhile"

    by Mignon Fogarty 

    What is the difference between "a while" and "awhile"?

    "A while" is a time, a noun. The article "a" before "while" is a sure sign that you're dealing with a noun. Notice in the following sentence that you could replace "a while" with another article-noun combination such as "a year":

    It's been a while since Squiggly tried marmite.

    "Awhile" means "for a time" and it's an adverb. Notice in the following sentence that you could replace "awhile" with another adverb such as "quietly":

    Go play awhile.

    Finally, just to make it confusing, if you rephrase the previous sentence and replace the adverb with a prepositional phrase, you need the noun again because an adverb can't be the object of the preposition.

    Go play for a while


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