    What happened to Ann Curry that was on the Today Show?

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    I want to know, too. Here's what I found:  NBC former Today co-anchor Ann Curry received support from an NBC executive following her departure of the morning show she spent 15 years on.

    The executive is NBC's Entertainment Chairman Robert Greenblatt, who during the Television Critics Association tour in Beverly Hill said his "heart goes out to her."

    "I will say that to be number one for, I don't know, 16 years or something, as that show has been, shows go through transitions and they're always difficult," said Greenblatt. "I think everybody in the news division from what I could tell took as much care as they make this transition happen."

    According to many, Curry was used as a scapegoat for Today's recent decline in ratings. Rumors circulated that the lack of chemistry with fellow co-host Matt Lauer and a personal request by Lauer during his recent contract negotiations led to Curry's dismissal. A source told Us Weekly that, "Lauer is 100 percent behind Ann leaving," and she refused to speak to him in the week leading up to her leaving her co-hosting responsibilities.

    "It's never easy. Things leak and you try to do things respectfully and then you have to go out and announce something you weren't ready to announce. My heart goes out to all those people, including Ann, and everybody who went through that transition."

    Greenblatt says he has no doubt the Today show will rebound in the ratings, with hopes the upcoming London 2012 Summer Olympics and its coverage will boost the morning show's ratings.

    Curry was replaced with Savannah Guthrie, who joined Today last year. Guthrie's promotion has not helped ratings as figures recently showed ABC's Good Morning America averaged 4.57 million viewers, compared to Today's 4.21 million viewers, based on numbers from the Nielson Company.

    Despite the recent changes with Curry, she has not been forgotten, as she has recently hosted NBC specials and a Saturday edition of Today reporting on the recent Colorado movie theater shootings, alongside her Today show replacement Guthrie.


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