    when the wars end? between richand poor ?

    0  Views: 289 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago

    11 Answers

    It's been going on for centuries and sadly I think it will go on for centuries to come.

    There will never be an end to this, unfortnately the governments need poor people and sick people to make money even though the costs are high ect.  Bad example LOL

    Bringing back the barter system would never work as people do not have the land to graze or herd animals to swap.

    The way to end the war is to get yourself out of poverty and get a good education and follow your dreams. Many people struggle their whole lives to pay bills and afford to live, try not to be one of them . I am one of them and its all I have but I still try and save for what I may need or for things unexpectant. 30 is not much a week to hide away..

    The rich watch over the world the working poor make the world work.. and the poor eat rice :) its cheap

    There will never be an end to this, unfortnately the governments need poor people and sick people to make money even though the costs are high ect.  Bad example LOL

    Bringing back the barter system would never work as people do not have the land to graze or herd animals to swap.

    The way to end the war is to get yourself out of poverty and get a good education and follow your dreams. Many people struggle their whole lives to pay bills and afford to live, try not to be one of them . I am one of them and its all I have but I still try and save for what I may need or for things unexpectant. 30 is not much a week to hide away..

    The rich watch over the world the working poor make the world work.. and the poor eat rice :) its

    There will never be an end to this, unfortnately the governments need poor people and sick people to make money even though the costs are high ect.  Bad example LOL

    Bringing back the barter system would never work as people do not have the land to graze or herd animals to swap.

    The way to end the war is to get yourself out of poverty and get a good education and follow your dreams. Many people struggle their whole lives to pay bills and afford to live, try not to be one of them . I am one of them and its all I have but I still try and save for what I may need or for things unexpectant. 30 is not much a week to hide away..

    The rich watch over the world the working poor make the world work..


    There will never be an end to this, unfortnately the governments need poor people and sick people to make money even though the costs are high ect.  Bad example LOL

    Bringing back the barter system would never work as people do not have the land to graze or herd animals to swap.

    The way to end the war is to get yourself out of poverty and get a good education and follow your dreams. Many people struggle their whole lives to pay bills and afford to live, try not to be one of them . I am one of them and its all I have but I still try and save for what I may need or for things unexpectant. 30 is not much a week to hide away..

    The rich watch over the world the working poor make the world work.. and the poor eat rice

    There will never be an end to this, unfortnately the governments need poor people and sick people to make money even though the costs are high ect.  Bad example LOL

    Bringing back the barter system would never work as people do not have the land to graze or herd animals to swap.

    The way to end the war is to get yourself out of poverty and get a good education and follow your dreams. Many people struggle their whole lives to pay bills and afford to live, try not to be one of them . I am one of them and its all I have but I still try and save for what I may need or for things unexpectant. 30 is not much a week to hide away..

    The rich watch over the world the working poor make the world work.. and the poor eat rice :)

    There will never be an end to this, unfortnately the governments need poor people and sick people to make money even though the costs are high ect.  Bad example LOL

    Bringing back the barter system would never work as people do not have the land to graze or herd animals to swap.

    The way to end the war is to get yourself out of poverty and get a good education and follow your dreams. Many people struggle their whole lives to pay bills and afford to live, try not to be one of them . I am one of them and its all I have but I still try and save for what I may need or for things unexpectant. 30 is not much a week to hide away..

    The rich watch over the world the working poor make the world work.. and


    Deleted User

    Oh what the hell happened ???? how do you delete them?

    You can't, don't worry about it, it's well down the league now.........

    I sleep your day away.
    You sleep mine.

    There will never be an end to this, unfortnately the governments need poor people and sick people to make money even though the costs are high ect.  Bad example LOL

    Bringing back the barter system would never work as people do not have the land to graze or herd animals to swap.

    The way to end the war is to get yourself out of poverty and get a good education and follow your dreams. Many people struggle their whole lives to pay bills and afford to live, try not to be one of them . I am one of them and its all I have but I still try and save for what I may need or for things unexpectant. 30 is not much a week to hide away..

    The rich watch over the world the working poor make the world work.. and the

    There will never be an end to this, unfortnately the governments need poor people and sick people to make money even though the costs are high ect.  Bad example LOL

    Bringing back the barter system would never work as people do not have the land to graze or herd animals to swap.

    The way to end the war is to get yourself out of poverty and get a good education and follow your dreams. Many people struggle their whole lives to pay bills and afford to live, try not to be one of them . I am one of them and its all I have but I still try and save for what I may need or for things unexpectant. 30 is not much a week to hide away..

    The rich watch over the world the working poor make the world work.. and the poor eat

    There will never be an end to this, unfortnately the governments need poor people and sick people to make money even though the costs are high ect.  Bad example LOL

    Bringing back the barter system would never work as people do not have the land to graze or herd animals to swap.

    The way to end the war is to get yourself out of poverty and get a good education and follow your dreams. Many people struggle their whole lives to pay bills and afford to live, try not to be one of them . I am one of them and its all I have but I still try and save for what I may need or for things unexpectant. 30 is not much a week to hide away..

    The rich watch over the world the working poor make the world work.. and the poor

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