    who could beat Obama in 2012?

    Republicans need a strong real candidate to do so.

    An interesting view from a financial media,

    0  Views: 544 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    osama bin laden

    Goooood answer!!!!HAHAHAHAHA
    Jon Huntsman, the former Ambassador to China
    ole hipster

    never heard of Mr Huntsman...I'll have to google him..thanks for the thought! (:
    Leeroy, if he could come up with $2,000,000,000 to compete.

    I would love to run, but I don't have political experience, maybe that's a good thing. Thanks Randy. The first thing I would do would be to secure the borders and ports.
    Well, in the last 4 elections I have been wrong, this time I am voting for Obama.. That should take care of it.. :) I'm kinda like that with American Idol too.. LOL
    Yes, Daren1 is correct. Obama could be beat by Bin Laden because anyone who would put the BUSH(S) in office would put bin laden in. Because really whats the difference "Laden and his weirdo SATAN followers committed a HEINOUS AND TRAGIC CRIME against AMERICA" that cost how many sacred lives, then look at GEORGE JR> "HOW MANY AMERICANS HAVE LOST THEIR LIVES IN AFGAN AND IRAQ" an for what, their reason for afgan still there and iraq was based on LIES. NOW what has OBAMA other than being black done that wasn't passed down to him from the BUSH ERA, that everyone thinks so bad, different from other Presidents or has harmed Americans? Frankly, I don't care what color or sex wins as long as we get someone HONEST AND WORKS FOR AMERICA< PERIOD END OF STORY!!!!!!!!
    A wild guess, Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump.

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