    Have you ever gone to the Little League World Series?

    I and some of my siblings went yesterday (we try to do it every year). I was the old guy sitting right behind the Mexican spectators with Mexican paint stripes on my cheeks. It's a great place where they don't charge admission nor for parking, provide transportation from the parking areas to the stadiums, sell food very reasonably, and everybody is extremely friendly. One of the last great family oriented sports events we have here in the US .... no alcohol, no rowdiness, no price gouging, just a great time. P.S. Weekdays are best because of the crowds.

    +1  Views: 630 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Sounds absolutely fabulous, Flip!

    They also seem to know what the true spirit

    of sports is all about...good for them.

    Did your team win?


    Watched two games, but you always cheer for each team. It's pretty hard not to root for the team from Uganda that couldn't afford uniforms and equipment (but got them from some company here that decided to sponsor them). We sat among the large contingent from Mexico and one of the Mexican mothers painted Mexican colors on my cheeks. :o)

    Not that is community spirit. Awesome!! :)

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