    Was Jesus a Conservative

    0  Views: 443 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Jesus was a prophet sent with a message of God's love for mankind. He was not political. He disliked politics. 

    We have had Jesus described as a Socialist but I believe He was an anarchist. As to whether He was a Conservative, the Church of England has been described as 'the Tory Party at Prayer', so maybe.

    Today he would be considered a socialist. A Liberal, a defender of the downtrodden. We today call the downtrodden, Lazy shiftless people that take and never contribute. 

    The King of Kings can't be anything other than a Monarchist.


    A monarchist who rules by divine right?

    More like the top man of a pyramid scheme. The buck stops there.

    He didn't get swayed from doing the will of the Father. Nor did He campaign for anyone.

    He is the message; people were either attracted or they weren't.

    Let the Will of the Father be done. Was He a conservative?

    He didn't vote. Did that make Him unpatriotic? Perhaps He was beyond it all.





    He did comment on the Leaders of the time and spoke to thier morals and responsibilities to the poor and oppressed.
    He did say he was the way and the light, God is light and this seperates us from the darkness.
    You are answering a question with a question, conservative.
    To say he was beyond it all, is to say he was not talking to us, so we would or could not understand, if anything he wanted us to understand him.
    Jesus was with out Sin and did not violate the laws of Moses(man)or God(father). Perfect, no flaws, His desire for us to find the way to a everlasting life. In Earth as it is in Heaven. He never put the son before the father.

    I'm not a person well versed in the bible, but it seems to me that he was actually more liberal. I mean, look at the position Mary Magdalyn (not sure of spelling) had in his entourage, depending on where you get your information. In some of the knostic gospels she was one of the  leaders. Either way, his position on women seems to be somewhat progressive. Also, there is his postion on the poor which could only be classed as liberal.


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