    Why does a 54 year old woman continue to support her 29 year old daughter

    for everything! This girl now weights 350lbs and mom does not care, 

    Everyone here has the same rational answers I already know!  But being in love with mom is the hardest part.  She is a VERY attractive 54 year old that I really need to let go. She has rescenting moved from my house because of money issues not brought on from myself.  But I continue for fight to get her back.

    0  Views: 963 Answers: 12 Posted: 11 years ago

    350 lbs ? That is 25 stone.Gosh this girl needs serious help and fast.The girl has obviously got issues.Does she want help ? If her mom is not prepared to help her, or she is not prepared to help herself, i'm sorry to say she is facing an early death.

    12 Answers

    If she is prepared to keep giving, her daughter will keep taking.She needs to force her daughter to be responsible for herself.If she supports her in other ways, that is a good thing, that is what mothers do, just not financially though.

    They are co-dependents.

    The mother doesn't want to cut the cord

    between them. She is enabling her

    daughter to remain in a child-like state.

    The daughter sounds self-centred.

    And they are both using you as a wallet.


    Thanks Dar It does seem obvious, doesn't it?

    Yep, exactly, Clu.





    Love is truly the key! And that is truly the best answer.

    I think it depends on the spiritual and emotional connection they have. Some moms would send her packing at 18.  Some moms would let her stay forever.  It depends on so many factors.  God bless them both.

    From your vague description, one would indeed wonder what's up.  Because I wonder "what's up" I can't pretend to have a rational answer. Pure conjecture tells me you have some resentment about it. 


    Yes is has crushed our relationship as partners. we can not do anything without me paying for everything in the household and she makes alot more than me

    I think (and this is just me) that you are jealous of the attention the daughter is getting and resentful that you are paying for all the recreation and entertainment. I'm not saying it's wrong, just that, if true, recognize it and accept it. You might feel that you aren't "#1" with your partner, the daughter is. At 29, most people are supporting themselves, or have minimal assistance. I don't know where you live, though, or your personal situation.

    Perhaps suggesting you both contribute a percentage of your pay to an "entertainment" fund might level the playing field. You would both be contributing the same amount, percentage-wise, even though the dollar amount would be different. Get some cute thing to put the contributions in (cookie jar?) or open an account specifically for that purpose. ????

    I would say the daughter has a problem, also the mom. Mom feels guilty. mom is an enabler.  If I were you I would run because this situation  is not going to change unless professional help is employed!


    Perfect answer, Clu.

    Listen to Clu, she is 100% on target with her answer!

    because she does not want her daughter to be pain as she was living with a struggling life.....

    wow nice attarction

    Becouse is her daughter, can't complain, is better correcting her.

    Blood is thicker than water.  If you keep Mom around then her daughter and their emotional and financial troubles will be around too.

    the woman will be supporting her daughter for the rest of the woman's life. I know a woman in N. Mich who is about 79 and her daughter is 54.....and this woman has always taken care of her daughter's needs, and always will. The daughter even has two boys and an ex husb.


    yes, she's skinny.

    Way to much compassion here. I'll keep my mouth shut. 


    Yeah but your answer still speaks volumes, Ed.
    I totally agree with your assessment.

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