    what is love

    +1  Views: 1037 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    We've never heard this question before.  Please explain it to us.

    <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3   <3

    Love is usually defined as someone's strong feeling of affection and, in certain cases, of desire towards another person, as a result of acknowledgement of the other person's qualities.

    If you mean love between two people who want to build their lives together, keep looking, eventually you will run smack dab into it and it will knock you for a loop. Then you will know what love is love. 

    Love is a many splended thing it's the April rose that only grows in the early spring, It's just natures way of giving a reason to be living, da de da deda deda deda dada. 


    La la la la la la laaaaaahhhhh.... :)

    Well sung Ducky.

    Thank you. (bow)

    If you're talking about romantic love, it's when someone is more concerned about YOUR welfare then they are their own. And , they want to be with you all the time . They think about you all the time. When you're young, and in love, you can't sleep or eat, adn you have butterflies in your stomach.

     Then there's a mother's love......the kind that never ends. They would literally die for their child. That's the same kind of love that God has for us. He made mothers b/c he can't be everywhere--looking out for every child all at once.

    Then, there's agape love. That's where  you love someone------male or female, with no sexual attachment. You just plain love them without asking for anything in return. That's the purest form of love.

    Love is the force that defines and limits all things in form and the absence of form as a defining principal of reality. It is expressed among personalized beings  as admiration, trust and mutual attraction in relationships. Love is the essence of being from within atomic matter to, and including, that driving force that attracts us to know God and become like God. Gravity is a name we call that force that holds our feet on the ground…that is simply a form of love we have named so that we can define the topic of conversation and explore its possibilities. Love is all we are and all there is. The quest for love is a quest for completion, unification and a larger play ground.      

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