    any one else would like to answer my question ?

    0  Views: 874 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: english lab

    5 Answers

    Your question has been answered to the best of our abilities. Download the software with the link I gave you.  

    emaan ali

    which software

    See the answer below, she brought the link over.
    emaan ali

    babylon is also not working .. i tried it .. why u dont translate it by urself ?

    Why you don't translate it by yourself? I'm not a machine. I do not know the language.
    emaan ali

    oh chill yara

    Watch the attitude or you will not be welcome here. You need to chill. We are volunteers, not teachers or people who know every language. You were already told that no one here knows the language.

    Take Colleen's advice. I even tried it here

    and it still didn't work.


    emaan ali

    babylon is also not working i tried many tyms .. why u dont translate into english.. why u take help from softwares

    We speak ONLY English at this site.

    None of us know how to speak Urdu.
    emaan ali

    oh ok .. i m trying to write it if i made mistake in grammar correct me ok
    emaan ali

    its been a year .. time flies isnt it

    You're trying to translate it into English, you mean?

    Okay, if that's the case, we will try to help you with the English part.

    It's been a year. Time flies, doesn't it?
    emaan ali

    it had passed a year or its been a year ? actually em nikkahfied nd todays is my annivetsary nd i wanna send a msg to my hubby

    Awwww...congratulations, Emaan Ali! :)

    It's been a year.
    emaan ali

    thankyou :-)
    hope you enjoyed the time which we spent togethet

    Yes that is correct except it is

    emaan ali

    and hope u may not tolerate by me or may Allah give u himmat to tolerate me ..
    emaan ali

    happy you ?

    and hope you are happy ( content) with me and may Allah give you happiness (contentment) with me

    Are you happy?
    emaan ali

    now u understand my message na ? so can u pleaae make a one swwet nessage for me ? which i send to my hubby please..

    Okay, I will try to put it all together for you.

    Just give me a minute or two.
    emaan ali

    pleaseeee :-(

    It's been a year. Time flies, doesn't it?
    I hope you enjoyed the time which we spent together and hope you are happy with me and may Allah give you contentment with me. Are you happy?
    emaan ali

    yes sure

    Is that okay? Your words sound very nice. :)
    emaan ali

    ohk thankyou soo much .. if i need more help about grammartcal mistake so u are always here for help me na ? you are here 24/7 ?
    emaan ali

    which words ?

    Not me personally. I do have to sleep. :)

    But yes, if I am here I will be happy to help you again or one of the other volunteers will help, too.

    All the words, Emaan. It is a very sweet letter to your husband.
    emaan ali

    hey where are u from ? r u at facebook or skype ?


    I'm in Canada.
    emaan ali

    oh its nyc talking to u .. keep in touch nd if u know any gud online software which provide ursu sentences translated into english tou do let me know please

    Hi New York!

    I will book mark this and if I see anything on the internet I will put it here.

    You can check back every once in a while.

    Take care. :)

    So after all her asking for it in Urdu, she settles for English?

     The word Urdu is derived from the same Turkish word that has given English horde.[18] Urdu arose in the contact situation which developed from the invasions of the Indian subcontinent by Turkic dynasties from the 11th century onwards,[19] first as Sultan Mahmud of the Ghaznavid empire conquered Punjab in the early 11th century, then when the Ghurids invaded northern India in the 12th century, and most decisively with the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate.
    The official language of the Ghurids, Delhi Sultanate, the Mughal Empire, and their successor states, as well as the cultured language of poetry and literature, was Persian, while the language of religion was Arabic. Most of the Sultans and nobility in the Sultanate period were Turks from Central Asia who spoke Turkic as their mother tongue. The Mughals were also Chagatai, but later adopted Persian. Muzaffar Alam asserts that Persian became the lingua franca of the empire under Akbar for various political and social factors due to its non-sectarian and fluid nature.[20] However, the armies, merchants, preachers, Sufis, and later the court, also incorporated the local people and the medieval Hindu literary language, Braj Bhasha. This new contact language soon incorporated other dialects, such as Haryanvi, Panjabi, and in the 17th century Khariboli, the dialect of the new capital at Delhi. By 1800, Khariboli had become dominant.[21]
    The language went by several names over the years: Hindawi or Hind?, "[language] of India"; Dehlavi "of Delhi"; Hindustani, "of Hindustan"; and Zaban-e-Urdu, "the language of the [army] camp", from which came the current name of Urdu around the year 1800.
    When Wali Mohammed Wali arrived in Delhi, he established Hindustani with a light smattering of Persian words, a register called Rekhta, for poetry; previously the language of poetry had been Persian. When the Delhi Sultanate expanded south to the Deccan Plateau, they carried their literary language with them, and it was influenced there by more southerly languages, producing the Dakhini dialect of Urdu. During this time Hindustani was the language of both Hindus and Muslims. The communal nature of the language lasted until it replaced Persian as the official language in 1837 and was made coofficial along with English in the British Raj. This triggered a Hindu backlash in northwestern India, which argued that the language should be written in the native Devanagari script. This "Hindi" replaced traditional Urdu as the official register of Bihar in 1881, establishing a sectarian divide of "Urdu" for Muslims and "Hindi" for Hindus, a divide that was formalized with the division of India and Pakistan after independence from the British, though there are Hindu poets who continue to write in Urdu to this day.
    Although there have been attempts to purge Urdu and Hindi, respectively, of their Sanskrit and Persian words, and new vocabulary draws primarily from Persian and Arabic for Urdu and Sanskrit for Hindi, this has primarily affected academic and literary vocabulary, and both national standards remain heavily influenced by both Persian and Sanskrit.[22] English has exerted a heavy influence on both as a coofficial language.

    I speak 456 Alien languages from the Cosmos of the Alien Nation but not Urdu.  Take Colleen and Dardaigh's advice... and do a little dance Alien style.  It's fun.

    Ok. What is your question ?

    emaan ali

    you know the urdu ?

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