    During the very most difficult transitions in your life, what one thing, of many, I'm sure, do you feel was the most helpful in bringing you through to the other side?

    +6  Views: 711 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

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    9 Answers

    Faith in God and determination.

    I think a positive attitude goes a long way to a positive outcome

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    Hey congrats !

    I'm not a great example of what faith can do, but, honestly, faith and belief that "God's got my back and that, with Him, all things are possible". 


    I've had many positive experiences of the active workings of faith in my life,...I just need a push and a kick in the ass, right now, to go there again. I know it is right and it works and is natural, SO, Why do I fight it so?? Control,....So I think? Fear....just came to me. Must, must, must release.......and I will.

    Boy, do I know what you are talking about (at least in my mind). So easy to forget and think we've got everything under control. I think we often put our faith "on the back burner" because God is always "here for us".

    Great perspective. He is always there to fall back on when "my" plan doesnt work. New for me. Thank you Bob. Hmmmmmm..........

    Getting out of the bed every morning...



    That can be a really tough one sometimes! Even in good times!

    I know kid...I yell at my legs..I say.."C'mon legs!...MOVE!" and then I launch out of the space-module and look around like some wildwoman woke up in the woods with monkeys in her hair!!
    I have my moments...thank God(s) they aren't forever!! ;D

    Hahahahah!!, Lindilou....

    Faith in the Lord, Really good loving people, time, and a positive attitude.  The knowledge that you can do your very best but you cannot control the outcome (especially with people closest to you) also helped.


    Thanks, Doolittle. Terrific answer and insight!

    I found that Transcendental Meditation helped me through the trauma of my divorce. I rarely practice now, perhaps I should.


    Have been considering just that, nomdeplume!

    TM with capital letters is a quasi-religious organisation which makes a charge for its initiation process. There is no need to pay for this as tm (small letters) can be learned by following instructions on the net. I am an individual who has a sceptical view on matters spiritual but there is no doubt of the benefits of meditation.

    Thank you, Nondeplume. I dont have a sceptical nature that way,....I just have to be ready or prepared for the xperience. Somrthing I find hard t do in this world. Thank you for the push......

    I think we to take every day as a new day and ask God what would you have me to do that would be in His fave . Also thank Him for every moment that we are still alive and well and your family and friends.


    I definitely like your everyday asking for assistace is GOOD. I tend not to when I'm ona run of things seeming to go "my" way.

    Knowing that it can always be worse than it really is.

    Yes, I do know from the past, and have lost, experience that Gratitude is a tremdous key to happiness and some kind of freedom.G,...especially when done sincerly on a daily basis!!      Attiitude, Thanksfulness is so healing.....Thank you al  lfor the reminders and new lessons,too!!


    ...and don't forget to get outta bed...daily !!! LOL !

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