    How can I hack the pentagon?


    +2  Views: 2621 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    Keep reporting that you want and are trying to, this will at least get you some attention.........

    Show up on their doorstep with an axe and hack away  have fun, see you in the news!!


    ha ha ha that is funny

    maybe your missing somethingstock photo : Brain function loss and dealing With dementia and Alzheimer's disease as a medical icon of a tree in the shape of a human head and brain with lost leaves as challenges in intelligence and memory.

    That's not a very good idea at all. With plans like that I will expect to see you on the world news soon.


    I hope you know the CIA now has your IP address and is tracking everything you do on the computer from this point on.  If your computer has a webcam, they can tap into it and see what you are doing in your own home :) 



    So that's the restricted # that keeps leaving messages to clean up my place! LOL. I keep telling them that I am in the process of teching my cat to clean. It could take a very very very long time! He starts and then seconds later I find him napping- go figure!
    Jack Large

    One might be end up on an episode of the CBC TV show "Person of Interest," as well ;-)

    Nee -nee Nee-nee pooh-pooh Doo's not telling you!


    ....and it used to be such a friendly, intimate group :)

    You would never get that far. You would be arrested just for trying.

    Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.



    you big dummy. they gonna get you. see ya on the news!!!!! think your mama will like seeing her little dummy on the news?


    carmaxable this is true but so so funny! thanks for a good chuckle.

    Why should I tell ?

    Bad idea .

    He might help you


    """"They are now watching you and I mean every where""


    Yes! That it the feline's for Freedom- they watch everybody...and can't be bribed by trats. They may ytake you up on a nap in a sunny window.

    doolittle so so true xxx

    Dude get some better intentions in life.

    Give them "peace"!! OR THE BEST WAY, this is going to take a lot of effort gather a millions peace postester  and show up at the Pentagon.

    Why would you want to do that?

    Been there, know folks who worked there and there is nothing worth the time you would get in Leavenworth for disturbing  those people. I do have a hornets nest in my back yard and would enjoy seeing you shoot it out of the tree with a sling shot.

    keep saying that,dsv, and the men in the black suits will come and take you away to a camp ; and it's NOT going to be a fun camp. It's not something that you're going to like.



    Umbriel, if he did indeed try to hack the pentagon. he would be arrested, shuttled off to the CIA and with the rules of homeland security, he could be held indefinitely and without legal counsel for as long as the CIA chooses. Homeland Security has changed the way we deal with "jokesters". Yelling hi Jack or mentioning the word bomb or crash now on an airplane will get you arrested too. Asking how to hack the pentagon is just as serious. It's a new world Umbriel. Catch up with the times.

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