    is muslim religion going to take over the world

    when the world ends will there be only one religion

    +5  Views: 1145 Answers: 17 Posted: 11 years ago
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    No, you are wrong (about the "when the world ends will there be only one religion").

    17 Answers

    I do not believe any one religion can "take over the world".  There will be many who will never embrace any religion, and many who will never abandon the beliefs they hold.  I also do not believe there will be just one religion when the world ends. 
    What is the purpose of this question?  Do you want Islam to be the world's religion or are you fearful it might become the world's religion? 


    When the world comes to an end, it will be BECAUSE of Religion.


    If man...If!

    Agreed. Responded in rhythm to the question.

    digger how right are you xxx

    The world is not ever going to end. There will evolve a type of Spirituality that surpasses everything that we ever thought we understood about religion(s) and gods. For now we must appreciate the many beautiful ways in which we worship around the world knowing it makes God(s) laugh to see us so interested and enthralled with them(him/her). Peace. No worries.

    They're trying to........And here in Mich, they're trying to institute Sharia law. That means they can kill their wife or daugher if they bring "shame "  to the family . It's called  " an honor killing ''   Also, in sharia law, if a man is caught in a homosexual act, they put him between two moving walls that are closing in on him. If he survives being crushed for 30 min, then they let him go.

     they've also instituted Sharia banking here in Michigan. There are 11 of the banks here.


    When the world ends, there won't be ANY religion 



    Sharia law is scary! I heard of a Muslim that had drowned his daughter in the swimming pool because she had slept with a non muslim.All done while the rest of the family watched poolside.

    Still killing is considered murder if it is premeditated. Assult on another human being is also a crime in the united states, all 50 of us.. I sincerely doubt that Michigan will institute 'full sharia law' into its books. Obviously they can't have two sets of laws on the books, one for locals and one for the locos...

    facinating! that's the first i've heard of Sharia law going in Michigan. Wonder why more of that info is not on the evening news. I'm not for it, especially honor killing.

    Michigan has much different laws than the area where I live,

    @ mycatsmom, I will ask you one more time to please answer a question only one time. I will no longer just move your extra answer, I will just delete it. You have a bad habit of separating your answers into 2 or more answers. Keep you answer together and as only one answer please.

    No I know that in Australia they sem to think they have the power to take over.

    Humans have always had different belief sytems and I don't see many woman out there saying they are happy to wrap themselves up especially down under its too bloody hot


    Good comment Regie.They do seem to think they will be running this country before long.They will have to get it off the Indians first tho.LOL
    Deleted User

    :D or the boat folk :))

    I hate to think that muslim religion would take over but most of the wars in the world have been fighting over Religion and I fear this will be not in our life time but it will happen (Oh I would love to be Wrong on this )

    I don't think so and it is this very fear we all have 

    of each other that has kept humankind at war

    with each other all down through the millennia.

    I believe in God, but not what (some) people made of it. There are many ways to reach God and He/She has many names, but God works with light and love right in ones heart, all other things are the thinking and work of people, aiming for ego and power. So whats the reason of your question? Is it fear? There is no reason to have fear for whatever way you choose to reach God, you can trust God. So I think your fear is for that what some people do in the name of God.

    I'm abused by priest in my childhood, threatened with the devil to tell nothing. Is that a reason to fear for God, a reason to mistrust all of the people that work in or go to church? No way! Hate in ones heart is killing them, love and light will let one live in the arms of God! 


    Now that brings a sweet, aromatic bouquet to the Essence :) A Warrior of Shambala

    This is a very good question.  I am inclined to think that the questioner is an inquisitive albeit naive person. 

    There's no such thing as "Muslim Religion".  Muslims are people.  Islam is a religion. 

    If you would like to know if Islam will eventually be the number religion on earth based on the number of followers, look at the breakdowns below:

    Based on various articles, the world population is over 7 billion people:

    Islam: 4.3 billion

    Christianity: 2.1 billion

    Non-religion: 1 billion

    Hinduism: 900 million

    If you want to know if Islam has the biggest number of followers, the answer is a definitely YES.


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    That is all because of our ancient peoples .
    I do agree with your talks .
    By the way ,whats your real name.

    Many of them certainly think they will take over the world. The radicals apparently feel they are in their rights under Allah's word to behead the infidels..  (please read 'radicals in bold)

    The birth rate of Muslims is greater than that of non-Muslims so unless the ratio changes they will eventually outbreed us.


    They won't outfaith (or nonfaith), though. They could conduct a new holocaust, of course, though, because there will be factions of each faith that will continue to meet and worship. They won't be the ONLY one.

    D'ya think? They also have more suicide bombers than the rest of us so maybe that will even things out.

    Now there's a positive approach!

    I don't think we need worry about that, because if you look here in the UK all families of either mixed race or other than white british are having lager families than us, they are all different religions. and I would think they will probably finish up fighting each other in the end.

    I think we need to accept others religions (not ALL muslims are crazy- in fact I can name a few other religions where a few bad apples placed in the medias lime-light would make their religions look scary too).  I think we should accept interracial and inter religious couples too.  And I think we should spend less time focused on the small sects of fanantical religious peole and more time learning about the entire religion.


    ...oh lo-o-rd kumbayah.

    Sing it diger!

    Silence  Infidel,

    I hope not, cause I love my pork!! LOL

    it wont take over so long as there is one christian set on world domination . you think that the war over there is on something but they are only fighting to regain controll the christian cults stole from them . wake up or go to sleep.

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