    My heart goes out to people of Denvor, does any one think the movie, New Batman blockbuster, had any influence on, James Holmes

    +5  Views: 584 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    What if you let your kids go to that midnight screening?
    How would you feel?

    9 Answers

    Nope, just another Psycho with a plan.

    Although this time it wasn't "suicide" murder.


    I thank God, that Im in control of my mind.

    I think he chickened out on the "death by cop" part.....

    Some people have very strange minds Db,it happens all over the world.

    No. I think it was an excuse. He had been saving up for months. Just another psycho.....Well, not just another, he set a record. Can wait for the movie...........


    Yep! Got caught in his car.
    Convenient eh?

    I don't want to get involved in any "gun law" debate but it seems to me that the laws at least need modifying.

    Your 2nd ammendment give citizens the right to bear arms & fair enough.BUT that ammendment was written in 1791 when you fired your musket & then took another minute or so to reload it.It wasn't written with weapons like the AR15 in mind when you can fire off 20 or so rounds on a few seconds.

    To me the only way to stop these weapons from reaching the hands of these maniacs is to stop them from coming into the country in the first place.

    Considering the right to bear arms perhaps the ordinary "JOE BLOW" should be restricted to a single shot .22 for a period of time over which he proves himself responsible enough to have a more powerful weapon.

    Please don't constrew this comment as "Me telling you how to run your country".I just hink there is too much of this type of thing happening all over the world & it's time something was really done to stop it.

    Please don't bother to point out my mistakes.We are not going to solve this issue here on this forum. This is my opinion of the truth as I see it.


    I am a firm believer in the "Right to bear arms", but I agree wholeheartedly with you that there is no need for these assault weapons. I have owned guns since my teen years, but they are your common hunting weapons (which suffice nicely for protection also).

    Question. are they psycho copy cats ? I would recommend automatic death penalty for these cowards they are not mental in my mind but sane evil comes to the fore .

    I sincerely doubt a movie of any kind would incite this violent act, whatever the reason, whatever his background this is obviously a very disturbed individual

    Probably psychotic. Why would anyone in

    their "right mind" perpetrate such a heinous

    atrocity? Then of course they get released

    from the hospital when they are deemed 

    no longer a "danger".  * sigh*


    Which is why judges now sentence these folks to hard time!!!! Jeffrey Dahlmer wasn't in his right mind but he was purposely put in jail (not a hospital) and purposely put in with the general population- they new he'd be killed. Probably helped plan it- it's the newest form of the death penalty. Quicker and less expensive.

    Doo, you are so right. Our justice system is a mess.

    It makes you wonder what in hell is going on in someone's mind doing that. Do they hate people that much? Are they playing out some role in their head that the act has some secret to them? Or do they feel tortured or tormented into doing that? These were all people he supposedly didn't know. What a shame.

    who can tell if the movie had any baring on the attack ,you cannot even trust any answers he may give.

    We dont know at this point why he did such a horrendous thing. I am sure we will find out in the coming days, wether he had a mental meltdown, or he killed in cold blood. This is so strange. An honor student, no criminal record and his family is above middle income. This is a horror story.


    This was no meltdown Ann.He planned this meticulously.Even his house was wired from top to bottom with explosives.He wanted to kill people.That was his sole objective.

    We will find out in the next few days, what was really going on with him.I am sure that there were signs in his behavier before he comitted this horrible massacre.

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