    My Condolences to the relatives and friends who have loved ones Killed or injured at the Colorodo theater

    My question is this, do you now,  think there should be a change in your gun laws?

    +11  Views: 990 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    My heart goes out to the families who have lost theire loved ones and all the injured people and everyone who was terrorized. This is pure evil.

    Holmes was able to buy 4 guns legally in a very short time, because he has no criminal background. .

    Colorado is already talking about changing theire gun laws. I think they schould have been changed a long time ago in the US. There are now nearly as many guns as there are citizens.

    We have gun laws in the UK, but last week someone in a town just 10miles from me managed to get hold of a pistol shot and injured two people, and then shot and killed an off duty policeman who tried to stop him. I think most Americans seem to be respossible with their guns and it is part of their rights as Americans, so I'm not sure it would make alot of difference. Guns are bad things in the wrong hands.


    We have shootings as well, like any other country the differance being only the so called gangsters and bikies have them and the shootings are always between themselves. thats not to say it as alright but ordinary citizens dom't normally carry arms causing innocent people to be shot -- no gung ho -- guns seem to give people false courage..

    we do have gun laws ...but in the 1990`s we were seeing far more shootings coming via ER(that`s a/e to us Brits)!!!;-)...stabbings lessened and a massive increase of shootings!:-(

    When guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns. Sad but true. Holmes wasn't an outlaw, they should add mental checks when selling guns, I guess.............


    Absolutely agree with you Umbriel, not in our lifetime but it will come.

    There will always, and I mean ALWAYS, be an exception. Rules were NOT made to be broken, but that is the mentality of too many in society today.  

    The 2nd Amendment (Bill of Rights) grants us the right to bear and keep arms.  

    I think metal detectors are going to be one of the first things incorporated widely to try to prevent this kind of tragedy.  It will do double duty because someone will have to "man" the detectors, and that will put a lot of people to work.


    Actually the 2nd amendment and the right for US citizens to bear arms, if you research it, has to do with the ability of Americans to fight against an outside invader- a war invasion. It really had nothing to do with handguns or hunting rifles.

    doolittle is right.
    According to WIKIPEDIA:
    In no particular order, early American settlers viewed the right to arms and/or the right to bear arms and/or state militias as important for one or more of these purposes:
    *deterring tyrannical government;
    *repelling invasion;
    *suppressing insurrection;
    *facilitating a natural right of self-defense;
    *participating in law enforcement;
    *enabling the people to organize a militia system.
    The actual words of the 2nd Amendment passed by Congress:
    A well-regulated Militia, being necessary for the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.'

    Thanks Bob!

    In this day and age, MsBob and LittleDoo i think the likely hood of being invaded by foreign military is ludicrous, it is only a way of stopping the admendment from being changed plus there is too much money involved in making arms.

    LLB- the NRA (National Rifle Association) has done a good job teaching folks that the right to bear arms means any gun for any reason. Please remember that the Constitution was written long ago when soldiers lined up to fight each other (silly really)...they can ammend an ammendment. The NRA lobbies hard and pays a lot of candidates (het hem contributes to a lot of political funds). Sadly, a lot of those elected agree with them. All of the guns this man had were legal. The mass murder at Virginia Tech was a legally owned guns..the teens at Columbine High School had guns that were legally obtained by adults.

    This evening my youngest son came by with 6 different kinds of bullets he got from the shooting range. He owns a paintball gun, and that's it. Part of our conversation included him telling me he wants me to get a gun and a permit to carry it. I'd like to have the option.

    Please tell me this isn't the same son that want's to put down the dogs and rescue more!!!

    One and the same. Fortunately, he can't afford a firearm. He is such an enigma; honestly, not the horror I've made him out to be.

    No guns! or no rescued dogs! That is his choice. Tell him it's one or the other! Dr. Doo insists! Have him read this! (I believe he is a good kid- just has some warped thinking now and then)

    You pegged him perfectly, doo.



    That can be another question Dowser, who sells military weapons on the black market.


    Yes I do,now and before this happened in Co.,but something else I think they should do is have faster justice for these crimes being committed.Here's one going on in the city that I live in right now...Nine years ago a sixteen year old girl went missing as she was leaving work at Burger King,never to be seen again,well two days ago a guy that is already doing time in one of our prisons for killing someone said that he also killed this girl that went missing and if they would bring him here he would show them where he buried the body,which they did and dug up a 30X30 field,they dug 8 feet deep,no body,turns out he made it up to get out of prison for a few day's.Well the way I see it is if you said you killed someone you should be ready to sit in that big wooden chair in the morning.


    hey Rick.Nice to hear from you again mate!

    I totally agree with you. Off with his head. How much do you think that little vacation cost the taxpayers???

    ClevelandRick, how many hundreds plus, have been in that wooden chair, and it goes on and on, D.R, is never empty. Does not deter murders.

    Dollybird,I think it would deter murder and other crimes only if they would carry out the sentence faster.Say give them a year to appeal and if they fail there be done with it,and BTW there are more crimes besides murder that deseve the death sentence,if they did that I think the people on the street would get the hint that they would'nt be laying up on death row for 20 years.The ACLU messed a lot of things up in this country while thinking they were doing so much good.

    CleaverlandRick, been banged up fot 20 yrs cant be much fun either.Time to think, and reflect on their past, not know if they will die in prison. That is also a punishment. The American legal system is very slow. I do agree with you, if it is 100% sure, that person commited the crime, that is different. Many innocent people have ended up on the row also, where their life ended/.

    Yes I believe in gun control, proper parental control, carding kids who want to see a rated r film without an adult...etc.


    LittleDoo, can kids go to your cinema that is rated 'R' as long as they are accompanied by an Adult?

    Yes. Rated R is 17 years or older OR if accompanied by an adult. I have seen kids 6 & 7 watching movies that were really graphic- in every way.
    LLB- get over here and help knock some sense into American Parents!!!!!! We need all of the help we can get!!!!

    In Australia it is illegal to see an ''R'' film in a theatre under 18 years , whether with an adult or not also applies to alcohol even if the adult is the parent.

    and I bet all of your violent, suggestive, provacative tv shows are on late at night. Ours start at 9pm...just in time for kids to watch a show before bed time. Nice. teach the kids about serial killers than "sweet dreams"- and we wonder why kids go off the deep end!

    Time have change so are the children of this new age, what should we call it ? parent don't want to admited so they wont be disquallified, Wellcome we've made this world the way we like it ,so now we can't deal with it. You reap what you sow, and by the look of thing, it ain't going to get any better!!

    There seem to be no way out of this mess, we created for our entertainment,violent movies, & games,all kinds excersize for are young people, with no consequence to the health of the brain or the body. BTW my condolence for the love one that lose their lives in this unfortunate incident.My heart is speachless.

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