    Dog dilemma 

    Dog put to sleep after lengthy court battle because he LOOKED like a pit bull. 
    Your thoughts on "dangerous" breeds and "ordinances".


    +6  Views: 896 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    If the issue primarily revolves around a pit bull looking dog residing within a town line or not, I wonder why the owners chose to allow it to be put to sleep rather than given to someone outside of town who would love the dog as they claimed to. To me, it sounds as though the owner's stubborness and arrogance cost the dog its life in this instance.

    Yes, the prohibition might not be fair, and yes again in that it is indeed cruel. But, we as the species supposedly capable of finding solutions to problems...seem to have ever so ineptly dropped the ball in a court room, rather than look after the best interest of the dog they were espousing to protect!

    I can only say, if it was my dog I would have rather seen it enjoying its life outside the town limits versus being put down in the name of compliance with a town ordinance. They could have argued the law after relocating the dog. Just my thoughts on the whole thing, as it's a shame they lead the dog to its demise. 


    I couldn't find in the article what breed the dog actually was; I, too, can see a number of "villains" in this case. Sadly, the dog wasn't one of them.

    I actually signed the petition to save this individual dog (Lennox) but unfortunately it didn't matter.

    Before the "pit bull" ban in the UK there were a lot of bad incidents and kids deaths involving the American Pit Bull,it took an "act of parliament" to bring about the ban.

    Personally I never blame the dogs, just irresponsible owners.

    What a crying shame. I know nothing of pit bulls except what makes the news and I figure those stories are the exception. God bless the owners who were not even allowed to say, "Good-Bye"......


    About 15 years ago, my nephew (then 15 himself) was skateboarding and hear whimpering. His investigation led him to a bush, behind which was a pit bull puppy bleeding from one ear. He took the puppy home, and these many years later, Brownie is still lovable and loving. He has never attacked or nipped anyone, and has lived compatibly with Lilly, Daisy, and now Biscuit (all black labs). He doesn't swim (fell in once and sank like a rock), but will run along the side of the pool barking furiously at everyone enjoying the water, especially Biscuit. I think he's jealous. My sister takes him to a massage therapist every month and it has kept him nimble these many years.

    This is absolutely terrible what happened to poor Lennox. It was the English who bred the terrier with the bulldog for dog fighting many years ago. They are only as dangerous as theire owner want them to be. To put Lennox to sleep for no reason than beeing a pit., is just autrageous.

    What is just as bad, that the owner could not even say good bye to him It just breaks my heart. He,s gone over the rainbow bridge to join all our animals that have passt. He is happy once again!


    Not other than being a pit....but his "crime" was simply looking like a pit. The owners say he was not a pit.

    I know. How sad.

    Shame on the people who make a dog mean!  Dogs just want to be loved!  Any dog can be trained to me nasty because they live only to please humans!  Creepy owners should be made into dog FOOD!


    That wasn't the case here; the dog just LOOKED like a pit bull...

    My mother-in-law looks like one also. She doesn't deserve to be put to sleep.


    She may bite your head off more than any dog!? :D

    This is what happens when wide spread paranoia affects people's brains. All of a sudden, loving dogs are to be feared and what is feared needs to be destroyed. People are stupid. I'm really losing faith in mankind again. Bunch of ignorant know nothings that would fight to kill an innocent creature. STOP believing the media reports that carefully pick the incidents they report on and then embellish the story with carefully selected key words that trigger fear in minimal brains! All creatures are capable of killing........MAN KILLS! Yet few believe in the death penalty when man kills. I am so pro death penalty and seeing man just systematically destroy what he chooses to, makes me believe in the death penalty even more. 

    People who can't think or reason rationally due to the fear disease that is infecting their brains,disgust me. Anyone who advocates destruction of a breed of dog like the pit bull should go get their brains treated for the fear infection that has rooted itself in it. I personally believe anyone who trains these dogs to fight should be euthanized. Not the dog but the person. People who train dogs to fight and people who fight to kill these animals are mentally lower than the animal they abuse. I'd like to kick all their a$$'s. That's just how I feel. I love these dogs. I've never met a bad one. 

    My heart goes out to this family who unjustly lost their beloved pet due to ignorance and fear. I would be devastated for life if this had happened to one of my pets. 


    we are in agreement on the role of the owners on this and i dont advocate the wipe out of a breed for one attack, you cant tar a breed for the failure of some half-wit owner .

    I believe what Colleen said! the owner of a any animal if neglected or abuse,and not properly train in public place.That owner should not have the right too own a pet,stupidity and ignorance also abuse of a pet, should disqualified the right too own a pet.

    this is another case of "knee jerk effect " whereby someone hears of a dog attack and starts shouting for all dogs to be put down,incidentally i have a feeling that the dog owners are the root cause of this problem.

    the other side to this is that none of us has had the trauma of a attack on one of our love ones.


    Even if one of my loved ones had to suffer a traumatic attack by an animal, I would never blame all animals of that breed! I would never advocate for that breed to be wiped out completely like some are pushing for when it comes to the pit bulls. If A dog goes bad for whatever reason, it's not the whole breed that is bad. I blame the owners.

    As a child, I was attack by a dog, which happened to be ours, I still have the mark to prove it. The dog was not put down, or would I want it to be. I think, people who suggest that dogs, should be put down are not animal lovers.

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