    Have you any opinion regarding doing business on Ebay?

    Do you have any positive or negative experiences you could share with us lesser knowledgeable of the site?

    +3  Views: 1267 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: general

    3 Answers

    I've never bought anything off of the Internet.

    I prefer shopping the old-fashioned way,

    inside of a store.

    I have bought many things on EBay and I have had mostly good experience using them. They are a little too big now for my taste because people on the site mainly buy things to resale them on the same site. So for me the good deals like you would find in a garage sale are gone because other people from around the world will bid them up to resale them later. My 2 cents on it.

    I've bought a few things on Ebay with no problems. Read the item description carefully! I do look at the seller's rating to make sure he doesn't have bad feedback from other buyers. Some sellers charge too much for shipping to increase their profit. Best method of bidding is to determine what the maximum you wish to pay for an item and place it (Ebay will keep you as highest bidder until it goes over that price).

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